Unexpected (frerard)

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"Dude, you're getting married." Frank tells Mikey through the phone, like Mikey needs reminding.

"I don't need reminding, the cost of this fucking thing is a reminder enough." Mikey loves Kristin, he does, he would do anything for her... but was the ice fountain swan really necessary? He doesn't understand why a piece of melting ice costs hundreds of dollars, or why it's needed at a summer themed wedding.

"Don't talk about your wedding like that, you're so fucking lucky, you and Kristin are perfect together. And she's really hot. And you're perfect together." And she's really hot, Frank thinks. Because really, Frank would have definitely asked her out if she weren't Mikey's soul mate. Frank tries to not let Mikey know that.

Mikey laughs, "Thanks man, you know, you could meet your girl too if you just got a ti-"

"No! Don't even go there Mikeyway, there's no way in the horrid pits of hell that I'll ever get a timer. Totally takes the whole 'unexpectedly falling in love' factor from falling in love and I'm not okay with that." Frank argues back. He knows Mikey wants him to get a timer. Hell, his whole family want him to get a timer. But Frank spent his whole teenage career protesting against the idea of the very thing and won't let up now just because all his friends are married and happily in love. He wants to take the natural way of falling in love. Without all the pressure of having to fall in love with the person the timer goes off on.

They argue about this all the time, Frank's starting to think that his mom is paying Mikey to keep up the act. The conversation never really gets anywhere though, it just goes like this: "You're going to meet the person wether or not you have the timer, you'll fall in love with them either way, it's completely natural." Mikey always argues but Frank doesn't ever take it and just says, "then what's the point in even having the fucking thing?" And Mikey will say, "So you don't waste any time doubting yourself that you're in love, and so you know that they're actually the one." And this is where Frank says, "You'll know it in your heart the moment you fall in love, and you'll know that person is the one. And doubting love is all apart of the process, it what makes the heart grow fonder or whatever the fuck they say." This is where there's a moment of silence that Mikey decides it's best not to take this any further because there's no convincing Frank Iero. Stubborn little smurf shit. So he just settles with, "I just want you to be as happy as I am with Kristin, I want you to feel what I do." Which, okay, Frank wants that too and he can't get mad at Mikey for wanting that for him. The discussion ends soon after that when Frank replies with, "And someday I will. Timer or no timer. I just choose no timer."

"I don't even want to get into this now, Kristin has been keeping me up all night going over last minute wedding details... Frank.... I think I'm actually going bald." Mikey runs a hand through his thick dyed hair but he swears on mother Mary that it's thinner.

"You're not going bald." Frank tells him in a trying to be serious tone. He can tell Mikey is starting to crack, and Michael Way never cracks. He's calm and collected and is probably the human version of Xanax. So this, this is a rare moment, and Frank, he has to cherish it.

"I read that happens though, some guys get so stressed all their hair falls out. Just WHOOSH! Hair gone." Mikey makes all the sound affects and everything but Frank still isn't convinced. "I should have gotten that wedding planner. I should have-"

"Dude no, Kristin would have murdered the poor planner or they would have just murdered Kristin. You did the right thing letting her take over." Frank assures him. Because really, it would have not been pretty.

"You're right... okay so, Bachelor party, tomorrow night, we're getting super fucked. Prepare yourself." Mikey warns him.

Frank feels himself squeel a little because yes. Bachelor party. "I'm so unbelievably ready, sleeping all day tomorrow in preparation."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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