Silent Love

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As I stood alone watching the river flow
Standing between the ridge of the blessed isle
Saw a pair of lovely blue eyes staring at me
I knew from instinct I have found the queen of my heart
My veins stuck out of my flesh
And I could hear the singing of my blood in my bloodstream
Her voice was like the sound of rushing waters
Starring me in my deepest being and luring me into sleep
I felt my inner lion roaring in excitement
I pinched myself to make sure it wasn't a dream
When I saw her golden hair glittering in the sunlight
I felt strong and powerful
I felt I could fight even the fiercest of dragons
She inspired me like a knight going into a duel with her lady looking looking down unto him
And I knew I could trode along to sea and plunge myself in a strong tempest
Was I ill and hallucinating
NO, Cupid has pierced me with an arrow of love

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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