the sad life of hanako hitachiin

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The sad life of Hanako Hitachiin

Inspired by SecretanimeFreak

Chapter 1: that’s just life

Hello my names Hanako nia Lucy Hitachiin and I’m the sister of hikaru and koaru Hitachiin, were triplets. Yet they don’t treat me like a sister. I’m treated more and more like a servant every day than a sister. From the day we were born I was treated like an outcast in the family and as we got older it got worse, I was treated like a servant girl who has to do everything her masters said. I will always be treated differently to them, never loved and never their sister I want to be to them.

On one cold evening after we all had dinner my brothers excused themselves from the table and I did to. As I was walking out of the dining room I thought ‘if I run away, it would bring them happiness that their sister had left and was never coming back. Maybe, just maybe they would love me and accept me as their sister’.

So that evening I waited until mother and father were asleep to give them my note. I creped out of my bedroom, down the long hall and into my parent’s room. I kissed the ‘good bye’ and said “I hope you don’t hate me for doing this, I’m only doing it for hika’s and koa’s happiness”. Then I slowly moved away from them. I felt tears run down my face like a water fall.

Did I really want to run away now, of course I do, and I did give them the note after all. Something I didn’t expect was my brothers to stand in the door way crying. I heard them crying I thought they had hurt some thing or couldn’t get something right. BUT I was never expecting to find them running to me saying ‘don’t go’, ‘we didn’t mean to’ and ‘we love you so stay’.

I was stupid I didn’t listen, instead I said “well I hope you got what you wanted” then they were happy saying “well I guess we couldn’t hide our hatred for you then” and left.

I cried and cried, I couldn’t take it anymore I ran and ran all the way to Ouran highschool.

Chapter 2: meeting the host club

Honey’s POV

I was walking through the rose maze when I saw something move, it had orange hair. I thought it was kao-chan or hika-chan but as I got closer it wasn’t, it was a girl who looked like kao-chan and hika-chan.

She was shivering and looked pale. I picked her up and went to the club room. All the other members where there, they looked up and walked over to me. They asked me who it was and I said ‘I don’t know she was in the rose maze and looked pale so I brought her with me here’

That’s when she woke up; she looked scared when she saw hika-chan and kao-chan.

‘Hello hikaru and koaru how are you’ she said.

‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE HANAKO’ that’s when she started to cry

‘I knew I should have killed myself, well it’s nice to know I’m not loved in this world goodbye for now and forever brothers’

That’s when we started yelling at them about how could they do something to their sister like that.

Hanako’s POV

I couldn’t take it anymore I ran out of the room, down the stairs and down the hall until I heard someone screaming my name I think he’s name was honey.

?: wait ha-Chan don’t go

That’s when I thought I have to get away I went running and honey went running after me.

I ran all the way to the middle of the road when I heard a car coming.

Honey’s POV

I called out to her, but she kept running that’s when I hered a car coming and saw she was I the middle of the road.

There was a load noise of the car stopping and the doors opening and ha-Chan screaming.

Host’s POV

We yelled at them how could they. That’s when honey run and was screaming for her to come back. We here a loud noise and went to the window to see what it was when we heard a screaming. We all rushed to the window to see hanako in a pile of blood and honey crying.

We ran and ran.

Honey’s POV

The rest of the hots came. I was scared and upset. I yelled at the twins




‘Be quite’

‘No, she tried to kill herself because hika-chan and kao-chan don’t like her’ and walked away.

Haruhi’s POV

‘You know I hate you guys and never ever come near me again.’

No one’s POV

It’s been 4 months and hanako’s still in a coma. The twins are really upset because they’re the ones who coursed it. Hunny is depressed and won’t eat cake.


The door opens and reviles hanako.


‘Hello everyone, I just came to say goodbye to you all before I leave’

‘Where are you going sis

‘I’m not your sister I never was and never will so I’m moving out and going back to America to be with my family I made at an orphanage

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2012 ⏰

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