The less you talk the less shit you have to deal with.
I have expressed my feelings, yet you doubt my feelings.
I have expressed my thoughts, yet you shake them away.
I say I want to be your friend, yet you say you are my fucking enemy.You say negative things about someone to me, yet you go to that same person
and say negative things about me.
You say everything is good, yet when I turn around you say to others I do not
want to express your feelings because you say, "I am to sensitive to be told the truth."
So you are basically saying I am to weak for your truth.
But fuck that, I need the truth and if it hurts my feelings I will get over it.
So just tell me already, instead of telling our bosses, to supposedly break
the news more lightly.
So fuck you and screw that, because that is the most insensitive thing
I have fucking heard.I was raised to be real to others and when you say mean things about me behind
my back there is no real expressions I can show to you.
I am not fake and cannot show a fake smile. I hate fake people.
And I do not want to have anything to do with fake people.So you know what, just leave me alone from now on because what I learned
is the more I just keep my mouth shut the less drama I get from
you people, and the more I disagree with what you say the more drama there
is because you go and call another adult and tell on me.Even though we are all adults, I do not feel like an adult around them.
I have to watch my expressions on my face, the tone of my voice, and
what I say. Luckily I have family and friends who get me and accept
me for my flaws, and what I learned is at work they cannot accept me
for my flaws. So...I am just going to keep being me and I will be aware of my actions.
I am going to be me no matter what. When another adult says something
negative about another adult I will voice and say, "no thank you I do not
want to hear it."Because I am done being blamed for others peoples opinions.
I was not afraid to say something that everyone felt. So I end up looking
like the bad woman. I am done expressing myself to people who do not
get it because they do not realize the realization of truth. So you are not
worth my time. Bye, bye, now!From,
A person who is frustrated with coworkers who misinterpret what I mean, and feel, and just assume the worse from me!
To a person who will just let it go, and just move forward.
A lesson learned and I am ready to let it go.The end.
Natasha K.