Chapter 1- You broke me

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 Tatianna's POV


                     Uhgggg is that the phone ringing god im trying to sleep, I open my eyes the sunlight drapes through my curtains, I look to my nightstand to see my home phone ringing I reach my arm out and grab it. I press the small  button with a little green phone and the words TALK written on it. Hello mother, I say as I let a small sigh out Tatianna wake up and go to school its 8:00 A.M, my mother lets out in a strong tone. I say bye to my mom and hang up the phone, OH SHIT i'm gonna be late school starts in less then an hour. Hmmm maybe I should wear that new lace push up bra I got at the mall it would make my boobs stand out more maybe Josh will notice them. Josh he was once the new kid and I liked him he has been my secret crush for as long as I could remember, He often flirts with me and stares too I think were meant to be together but maybe I'm overreacting and he actually doesn't like me at all.

                     I run to the bathroom and throw on some makeup and some clothes I slip a Black sweater on top of everything, the weather was pretty chilly. I grabbed my backpack and locked the front door as I slipped my shoes on properly and ran to school saying thank you to the crossing guard on the way as I crossed the street. As I arrived I saw Anthony in the distance waving at me, Anthony has been one of best friends for almost seven (7) years now. Standing beside him was my other best friend for the past twelve (12) years, Eva Lanselit. Hey guys wheres morocco? I questioned, I hear foot steps behind me HEY BITCH, a voice sounding like morocco my GBF (gay best friend) shoots through my back so I quickly turn around HEY I say filled with excitement. Suddenly the sound of the bell that starts school sounds, we all walk inside and up the stairs to class every morning I had homeroom of coarse I was in all the same classes as Josh. The day went by and next thing I knew I was sitting in english class the teacher had assigned us all partners to do some writing assignment blah blah blah whatever. 

                    On the bright side my partner was Eva so we could just mess around the whole time plus we got to work on our project in the hallway and Josh was working with his partner in the hallway. Me and Eva sat across the hallway in front of Josh There were other groups working near but most were all just fooling around and talking about crushes and stuff. suddenly I heard a loud gasp JOSH LIKES JEM someone shouted in surprise wait a second my names not Jem its that girl in phys.ed with me but how is this possible I thought he liked me. In shock I looked up and eased dropped Josh looked up at his friend SHUT THE FRUCK UP DUDE! Josh raised his voice wait but do you actually like her another kid questioned, Josh nodded yes but don't tell anyone he whispered. My heart suddenly dropped and shattered in to a million pieces (metaphorically) I looked at Eva who was playing with her pencil then I heard the bell that ends school ring I picked up my books and walked to my looker opening it and grabbing my backpack. I walked towards the exit of the school and finally out the doors, hey wait up shouted Anthony, I turned around Sorry Anth something happened I just want to be alone and no I do not want to talk about it, I stated. Oh ok well hope your happier tomorrow see ya Anthony said.

Anthony's POV


                         As I walked down the street I was trying to think of what could be bothering Tatianna now, I pictured her in her room crying holding a sharp pair of scissors while marking up her wrists enough to make them turn red but not bleed.  I had always known she had depression as well as her self harm habits and her suicide attempts especially the ones that I stopped her and talked her off the edge, her other friends were never always the most supportive. I walked in my house my father was sleeping so I crept up stairs to my room, I flicked the lights on and sat at my desk turning on the laptop. I opened the drawer and pulled out some lotion and unzipped my pants and searched for some inappropriate channels to find porn on I slipped my hand in my pants and began to touch myself. suddenly the door flew open DANG IT I FORGOT TO LOCK THE DOOR I thought to myself, I slipped my hands out of my pants and closed my laptop. My father stood in the door way he wrecked of alcohol, he has been drinking again I knew what this meant. 

                        He stepped into my room, GET ON YOUR BED BOY, he screamed he took off his belt as I trembled with fear, he slashed my back I gasped, he continuously whipped me. OPEN YOUR COMPUTER, he furiously commanded I rushed to my desk as he stood over my shoulder. I slowly opened my laptop and put in my password, the screen loaded and the inappropriate site appeared. A naked women with her breasts exposed and a man in side her rear end appeared on the screen  YOU BEATING YOUR MEAT IN MY HOUSE, YOU DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED, GET ON YOUR BED. I run to my bed and lay down, my father drops his belt in confusion of what happens next I lay there paralyzed in fear I hear the noise of a zipper unzipping. My father picks up his belt he then sits on my back which was already sore I began to cry silently, my father ties my hands together he then grabs one of my shirts from off the floor and gags me. he then pulls off my pants revealing my boxers I now knew what was happening I tried screaming for help but the gag was in the way I kicked but he restrained my legs.

                      He managed to slip off my boxers, he used one of his hands to touch me as he slipped inside me I cried loudly BOYS DON'T CRY BE A MAN, my father yelled. He then un gaged me I yelled for help and he slapped me he then forced me to preform oral sex on him I cried and tried to resist. After what seemed like eternity he stopped and un tied me BOY DON'T LET ME CATCH YOU DOING THAT AGAIN OR IL HAVE PUNISH YOU AND NOT A WORD TO YOUR MOTHER OR ILL BASH YOUR SKULL IN. 

Authors note


Sorry for such a short chapter but its 3:38 A.M and I have to stop writing and get to sleep also apologies for the sensitive topic of rape and all respect to victims of it as well as sexual assault and abuse. If u ever see this please do report it and i'm open to talk if anyone's ever in need.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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