Kodi just got done eating a tamale, so hot and juicy, moist and sexy, her eyes teared at such an amazing taste. Perfection was the only word that came to mind every time she brought her taste buds upon such delicacy.
fuckin shit I want sex so bad 🅱️💦✊💯🔥🔥🔥
She gazed out her window by her bedside, sliding her greasy tamale fingers down the glass, temporarily engraving "World Star gangsta pussy monster 💯"
Suddenly Kirby human
OMG yes! My hunger for tamales is no more, all I want is your sexy body you curvy ass whore
Kirby inhaled Kodi after hearing such a naughty claim, voring her. Kodi was in heaven now. She was the tamale and Kirby was the super sexy super curvy hot supermodel gf.
Then Kodi woke up. Damn 😔 this is so, so sad.