The Inception

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In the misty highland of Sumatera rainforest, lots of things that happened there keep hidden in secret by the silence. Mother nature is the only witness of everything. It's creepy to imagine the darkness that is hidden, a deafening silence that no man could stand, many gone crazy they say, the local people say it's because the ghost that live there before human exist.

It was raining lightly with a slight wind breezing through the trees, it was not an excuse to not squeeze the throttle on my 600cc motorbike. I was accompanied by my brothers, we are a band of brothers who love motorbikes a lot. I was the youngest among my four brothers, so that makes me the one who is always being taken care of. They always let me ride in the middle so that they could watch me the whole trip, if something bad happened to me it would be unspeakable for them.

The sight of the forest was mesmerizing, all I could feel is that I am totally alone, just me and my bike venturing without worrying to get lost. Well getting lost in the middle of nowhere is a nightmare of course, but some part of me just want to live in the past time, without advanced technologies, living in a simple life. The forest made my imagination runs wild, as if I was consuming acid.

Once I read that when you got into a terrible accident like a fatal car crash or something which in a way that you will not survive, your mind will somehow travel into a different dimension where you survived the accident itself. What if some of us that had an accident died and currently living in a dimension where we survived the accident. It's a bizarre theory, but if you really think about it, it's frightening because we don't really understand how the universe even works, what if it is true?

As I throttled my bike, my tire got skidded. Well you know, the roads in developing countries are awful, I did not have much to complain about because I thought I already got used to it until I crashed. I lost control of my bike because of some potholes, and the rain made it worse. I went out of the road and crashed into the trees.

The crash was fatal, my bike was destroyed and there is no way that no harm will be done to my body. A moment after that, I was laying on the cold grass staring to the cloudy sky, I accepted my faith as if I was dead. I could feel every part of my body was cold, maybe I broke my spine and got paralyzed.

When I tried to get up, I felt perfectly fine as if I was waking up from a well rested nap. It's preposterous that I do not feel any pain at all, and I found myself in a middle of nowhere. Maybe I got bounced off the road pretty far, anything that was visible were only trees and bushes, not even any trace of the accident. I tried to start the bike engine but it's just hopeless anyway, I could see the chain that supposed to connect the wheel to the engine was barely holding together.

After a moment of trying to be a mechanic, I gave up and tried to find the main road on foot, I was petrified that I will get lost even further. I could not stand doing nothing, my smart ass thought there is no way I could not found some help around here. With all my might I grabbed my tank bag that was filled with useless gear and started to wander around.

On my attempt to find the main road, all I could see is only trees which add up more anxiety to my head. I screamed as loud as I can and all I hear is a deafening silence. The buzzing sound of silence you could hear in your bedroom at night, when there is no one present beside yourself. Well, guess I would die here alone miserably, a thought that went through my head. I never had any training to survive in the wild before, all I had on my jacket's pocket is my swiss army knife, my phone...


Vigorously, I grabbed my phone and...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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