First Day

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My first thought was Damn it's cold when we arrived in Minnesota. Our Septembers in Cali were nice and warm. "Why Minnesota," I asked my mom as we pulled the bags from the car. "Your father was born here." my mom said. I could see the tears fill her eyes. I start school tomorrow at Malcolm High School.

I stare at myself in the mirror. I am wearing black ripped jeans, a black leather jacket, a maroon shirt, and maroon high tops. My brown hair with a blonde ombre is in a tight fishtail braid. "Avery, hurry up!" "Am I overdressed?" I ask as I tilt my head still looking in the mirror. "No, you look beautiful." mom says as she kisses my head and heads out. My brother Ahren got in the back until I dropped mom off at work in my new 2017 Corvette. The school was only 5 min away. Small town. I am so used to California cities. I parked next to a red Camaro. Most of the other cars were dirty trucks. Ahren and I got out of the car and I noticed that there were guys staring some even whistled. The girls glared, and one even called me a City Slicker. Thank god the school had heating.

I walked to the office with Ahren and in the office was a kind lady named Jennifer. She handed me and Ahren our schedules and helped us find our lockers. "Hey, new girl." There was a tall, lean guy leaning on the locker next to mine. "Hi," I said nervously. I can't lie that boy had a tall, dark, and handsome look to him. "I saw your car out there it's nice," he said. "You know that this new girl has a name?" I say as I put my hand on my hip. "And that would be?" he said smirking. "No, you first." "Name's Blake sweetheart." he held his hand out. "My name's Avery and I don't do handshakes. He smiled and I could see his straight bleached smile. He seems rich. I noticed that his attention switched to something or someone behind me.

"Don't worry, Avery, he thinks it's ok to hit on every girl he sees." I turned around to see a tall brunette, she had long legs and she was thick. but not too much. She had blue eyes that glowed. As blue as the Caribbean beaches. The weird thing was that Blake's eyes changed when he looked at her. His eyes deepened, they changed from Hazel to Dark Green. You could tell that they had history by the way he looked at her. He looked back at me and his eyes darkened. "Stay out of it Valkry."

Valkry grabbed my schedule out of my hands and read it over. "Ohh cool we have College Algebra and College English together." Blake was looking over her shoulder a little too closely. " We have Anat-Phys and Government together," Blake said. Valkry scowled at Blake and he smiled back but it didn't reach his eyes. I looked over his shoulder and saw someone.

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