Chapter 1: Twitter :3

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  • Dedicated to The LG's and their celebrity crushes ;)


Hey! So this is my third book? Yeah third book.. Also. Check out my story, Grow Old With You! It's for dem DARRENatics. Anyways, hope this book turns out good! Thanks Loves! (yeah. I call meh readers loves, yeah okay. carry on)

Chapter One, Twitter :3

| Chloe's POV |

~Dream/Happened in Real Life~

"I'll miss you Mr. Yabang." I say to JK. That's my nickname for him when I really want to say it.

"I'll miss you too Ms. Sungit." He kisses my forehead goodbye. He reaches it without tippy toe-ing because he's hella tall for a 13 year old :3

"All passengers please fall in line as we check you plane tickets" The announcer said.

"Well, I guess this i s goodbye..." I say.

"No, see you later sungit." He says.

"Not in a while yabang..."

He falls in line with tito Giovanni as they check their plane tickets. JK looks back and waves. I smile.

~Dream ends~

Oh how I miss you, Juan Karlos Labajo.. I say in my head. I miss you so much..

RING RING RING. I hear my alarm go off. I am a very organized girl so after getting out of bed, I fold my blanket and put it in place. My alarm was still ringing so I turned it off. I look on my phone and check what time it was. It was 7:21 am on the first day of school and grade 8. I walk in my walk-in-closet. (Because it's called a 'walk-in-closet' duhh..) I take out my blue "MY BESTFRIEND" crop top and my blank tank top. I also take some high-waisted denim shorts because, I'm just that fab. Lol! Jk.

After meh long shower, I put on my clothes and head downstairs to the kitchen. I smell the scent of bacon. Mmm..

"Morning Ate!" Jacob says.

"Morning Jakey!" I smile at my brother.

"Whats for breakfast mom?"

"Bacon and eggs." She says with a smile.

"Yummm." I make the hungry face after.

"Did you take a shower Jakey?" I ask.

"No, I'm sick. I can't goto school today ate"

"Aw, okay get well soon then." I say patting his cute little head.

"Thank you ate." He says with that cute smile.


After breakfast, I brush meh teeth and wait outside the door for my cousin, Gabriella. She goes to Stella Rose School with me and she always passes by my house so I wait for her. I dont want to walk to SRS by myself on the first day of school! As I see Gabriella walking to my block, I greet her.

"Hey GurlPrend!!!" I say.

"Nice to see you again GurlPrend." She says, as we start walking.

"So, have you and Adrian talked?" I asked. Adrian was her crush for idek how much years!

"Nope.." She says.

"But how about you and JK? Have you talked to him since he went to the states?" She asks me.

"Nope, but I miss him ALOT" I say.

"I feel ya GurlPrend"

As we enter the school grounds, we greet our friends and stuff like that.

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