Chapter 1

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Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality
Ephus - the godling man with an unusual power.
Dr. Quinn - human wife of Ephus

Egyption Goddesses and wives to Ephus
Bast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love
Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance
Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music and fertility.
Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites
Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice
Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water

It had been five years since Ephus's power had developed. In that time he'd become a father six times. With his human wife and five of the six related goddesses that were also his wives. They had actually allowed him to spend a larger portion of his time on earth than in the god realm.

So Far he felt he'd been very lucky, though as he was about to find out, things can change very quickly. Especially when there are other gods involved.

Ephus had kissed all his children, as their mothers were taking them back to the god realm. Bast was lingering waiting for the rest to depart.

"I hope that you aren't angry husband, my great desire to be with you caused me to forget." Bast said her head and voice low.

Ephus was a little surprised, he thought that Bast knew that he was never mad at her. As far as he was concerned, he never felt that he would be either. Grasping her face gently, he pulled her to a smoldering, hot kiss that seemed to take both their breaths away.

Pulling away from the kiss, they both gasp as they felt as if something had been removed from their beings. "I could never be angry with you my beautiful Bast."

Bast's face lit up as she stated, "I am proud to be bearing another child for you husband." With that she too, vanished.

Smiling, Ephus sat back to enjoy the rest of the day, suddenly there was a gathering of dark clouds on the horizon. Crap, always something to ruin a good day he thought. Getting up he was almost inside when he felt a surge of power.

Shaking his head, he reached out trying to see what was causing it. It felt like godly power, though seemed far to weak for that. Staring at the slowly approaching dark clouds, he again tried to feel who it was.

Still nothing, whomever it was either was a master at hiding or were extremely weak. If he didn't know better, he'd say it almost felt like the energy Bast gave off. It also appeared, that whomever they were they were having trouble entering this dimension.

Sighing, Ephus shook his head, the last thing he needed was more trouble from the weakened Egyptian gods. Then again, another one of them owing him a favor didn't hurt either.

Finally making up his mind, he waved his hand causing the air at the edge of the clouds to split open. That's when he saw something that appeared to be a body, falling out of the rift he'd just made. Shaking his head he raised his arm feeling the body starting to slow, then moved toward him.

A few minutes later, an extremely beautiful female landed at his feet. Briefly she opened her eyes, "Ephus, kaló, to ékana."

Ephus's eyes went wide, what the hell was that, Greek? "Poios eísai?" Ephus asked surprised that he could speak Greek this fast.

The female shook a moment her whole pale body dropping lower at Ephus feet. "Eímai Afrodíti." (I am Aphrodite.)

"You're-" Ephus started then watched in horror as the female sighed then laid out flat as she lost consciousness. "Aw damn." He said as he sat her up. "QUINN!" He yelled calling his human wife.

Dr. Quinn came at a run from inside, stopping short as she stared at the dark haired, pale beauty. "Who is she? I don't recognize her from the Egyptian gods."

Ephus nodded his head as he replied, "she said that she is Aphrodite, that is before she passed out."

Quinn was nodding as he relayed all this to her, that is 'til he reached the last part.

"Aphrodite! The Greek goddess of love and beauty? Did she say what she wants?" An upset Quinn was almost shouting.

"She stated my name after she looked at me, then said, I am here. After I asked who she was she said Aphrodite, then passed out. For such a powerful goddess, she is surprisingly weak." Ephus explained.

Quinn's mouth was hanging open as she was staring at the unconscious female. "Weak? You don't think it's another realm of gods and goddesses wanting your help do you?" Here Quinn had an extremely worried look on her face. "You already have six other wives that take a great deal of your time. I feel that many of the Greek god realm, will also want to be yours."

Ephus looked directly into Quinn's eyes. "You have no fear of losing me. No matter how beautiful they are, it is always you that I want to end the day with." Kissing her lovingly, Ephus saw her start to relax.

"I just hope that all the realms aren't going to try and get your help. You know it requires a lot of sexual energy to power you up enough. Though I shouldn't be jealous, I still am. The thought of you taking a bunch of strangers unnerves me." Quinn told him.

Ephus was nodding, they had moved out here as far away from people as possible. It still only took a look from his eyes to bend the will of almost any female. This of course included all the goddesses he'd met so far.

"Well, we're not going to know anything 'til she awakens. You know I won't power any of them up until I am sure. I just hope that what I am feeling about her is true. I don't really like watching one of them die, when I could do something, even if they are bad." Ephus told his human wife. "Perhaps, I should ask Bast?"

Quinn was quiet a few moments thinking about it then she nodded. "That might be a good idea. As I remember you saying, only the family of the gods were allowed to have you."

Ephus was nodding, "that was why I suggested it. I know they aren't jealous, though I am worried about you."

Quinn's features softened as she spoke, "I know that you are mine first and foremost. I also know that without you, a great many of the Egyptian god realm would be suffering. If they agree, then I will only be upset about the little time I will be able to spend with you."

Ephus nodded then called out to Bast. Within moments Bast appeared a small look of concern on her face.

"Is all well husband? I sensed some distress when you called." Bast stated.

"You told me years ago, that only family were allowed to touch me, correct?" Ephus asked.

"Yes husband, this is a fact, no harm can befall you with all of us protecting you. I have to ask, what has prompted this?" Bast asked puzzled.

Ephus grabbed Bast's hand, pulling her to where the unconscious female was. "I am thinking that the Greek gods might require my help."

Bast drew back, a small hiss issuing from her lips. "Venus! Also called Aphrodite. Has she asked anything of you husband? Has she touched you in any way? I do not trust the Hellenes gods."

"No, though I feel that as weak as she is, she might ask for my help like your family did. If I help them, I want to make sure that I do not upset you and my other wives. Bast's eyes went wide at his words, she was still adjusting to the fact that Ephus cared about how all of them felt.

"Husband, we need to talk to all my sisters, mother should be here too." Bast said as Ephus nodded his head in agreement.

Stepping back, Ephus watched as Bast called her sisters and Isis. A few minutes later all six of the goddesses appeared. All bowed to Ephus, then they all gasp with a few hissing, when they saw the unconscious Aphrodite laying in a chair.

Stepping between them and the unconscious female, Ephus explained what he felt might be going on. "I figured that if your realm was suffering, theirs might be also. I felt that since all of you are protecting me, it is only right that I ask, if you would be alright with this."

Eight pairs of eyes seemed to be shocked at this request from him. Then it was Isis herself that bowed again to Ephus, this of course caused the rest of them to bow also.

"You have honored all of us with this request. Though we do not trust them, to deny them help would be like denying ourselves." Isis spoke up, looking around she saw that the others were nodding their agreement.

Ephus let out the breath that he'd been holding. Saying a silent prayer of thanks, he noticed that all of them remained nearby as he knelt beside the unconscious female. Concentrating a moment, Ephus reached out touching the female for a full fifteen seconds.

At first there was nothing, then the female took a deep breath as she suddenly sat up. Her eyes wide she looked at the hand that was on her arm, then up the arm attached 'til her eyes settled on Ephus.

Ephus watched as her mouth dropped open in surprise. Flexing her hands then arms, a deep sigh escaped her lips.

"You are Ephus. I thought I would never make it here from Olympus Realm." It was at that moment that she looked around seeing the seven goddesses behind Ephus. "Are you afraid of me Ephus? You have several strong Goddesses with you."

Ephus smiled seeming to put Aphrodite at ease. "No, most of them are my wives." Here he pointed to Isis, "she is the wife of Ra, mother of my first two wives. You see before you Bast and Sekhmet, the same two daughters. There, are Hathor, Serket, Maat and Tefnut their half sisters." Aphrodite nodded a slight bow to each. "Now then are you feeling better? Not nearly as weak as before?" Ephus asked.

Aphrodite's eyes suddenly went wide, by the realm of her family! She was far stronger than she'd been in quite a long time. Her mouth hanging open, she turned to stare at Ephus. "I had heard that this was possible, though when I started here to see if the rumors were true? I could hardly believe it. Now I know better!" Ephus then noticed that Aphrodite was starting to breathe harder and faster.

Isis drew the young goddess's attention as she asked. "So, I take it that the realm of Olympus is in a weakened state much as ours was. You came to see if you could engage Ephus to help your realm as he did ours." Isis said this as a statement and not a question.

Aphrodite dropped her head as she slightly nodded. "With all the rumors, not many believed that it was true. Then father felt your realm next to ours grow stronger. It took all I had, to get back to this world. I was sure that I would be trapped here forever, though I was prepared to sacrifice myself if I could confirm."

"We have discussed it with Ephus, you will have to protect him while he is in your realm. We are all at full power, I doubt that any would survive if we came for him. Are you prepared for this?" Isis asked with all seriousness.

Aphrodite's head snapped up as she stared at first Isis, then the rest of the Goddesses that were there. "You would allow him to do this? He would have to bond with the Goddesses."

All seven of the Goddesses looked at each other then nodded, "we do have a suggestion." Bast spoke up. "If any of you wish to become a wife of his? It will have to pass by me as first wife. Then, if he also wishes it, we will not object."

Ephus turned to stare at Bast as if she'd lost her mind. More wives? For crying out loud, he had seven now, did they think he had that much stamina? Bast got a huge smile on her face, then she looked Ephus up and down licking her lips.

That was when Ephus saw that all of his wives, including Quinn and Isis were also staring at him. He almost felt like he was a piece of prime meat, that they were all starving for.

Aphrodite whispered to Bast who had moved closer. "Is it always like this? I am feeling an overwhelming desire to rip the clothes from my body. I want him to take me so badly it is distracting. Is it the same for all of you?"

"Yes, the desire can be far more powerful at times. It is the reason I am with his second child." Bast said. "You need to do all you can to protect him. My sisters have a lot of power, plus a few have really bad tempers."

Aphrodite's head snapped around to stare at Bast just to make sure she was serious. Shaking her head Aphrodite replied, "unfortunately, it is far worse in my realm."

Bast nodded then stated, "you must bond with him soon. If you wish to send any energy back to your realm, it must be soon. I also suggest that you prepare your self, being with Ephus is far different than any other that you have been with."

Aphrodite tried to hide the smirk that crossed her lips. No man was different, they were all sex driven beings. She was after all the goddess of love, she'd seen it time and again.

Each of the seven goddesses, bowed to Ephus then gave a warm smile to Aphrodite. They were all gone except Bast, who stated again she should prepare for what was about to happen. When
Aphrodite acted as if it were nothing, Bast gave her a knowing smile.

"As I said before, being with Ephus is far different than any other. I guess you will just have to experience it." With that Bast lovingly kissed Ephus whispering in his ear. Ephus nodded, then hugged Bast a few more moments then she was also gone.

"Ephus, don't be gone long. I'd really hate to have to send some or all of them after you." Quinn warned, then kissed him as she went inside.

"Even with the power you gave me, I am afraid that I am not at even half power." Aphrodite sadly told him.

"That won't be a problem. When I touched you, I felt the location of your realm. I am sorry that we have had to meet under these conditions." Ephus told her. "I am also sorry that the first time, you won't remember all that transpires."

Aphrodite's head whipped around to stare at Ephus, only this time she was looking directly into his eyes. The compulsion to take her clothes off suddenly went from wanting, to have to remove them. Rapidly, she started to almost shred her clothes, then she was reaching to Ephus to get him naked.

"I do not understand why, I must have you! Take me Ephus, take me, the desire is growing stronger by the second." Still she couldn't stop, it felt like a fever that only his touch could quench.

Ephus laid her down as he started on her lips, agonizingly he worked his way down. Taking his time, lavishing the sides, tops and underneath of each of her breasts with small kisses. Aphrodite was starting to breathe harder, her heart beating rapidly. Never had she felt the full sensations that she was now.

Ephus smiled when he heard her gasp, as he sucked each nipple into his hungry mouth.

Aphrodite was hardly able to speak, then she felt Ephus's hand slowly reach her sex. Arching up as he barely brushed the tip of her clitoris.

"By my father's power! What in all the realms are you doing to me? I have never felt sensations like you are causing. I need you in me now Ephus, put it in I order you." Aphrodite demanded.

"Uh, uh, uh, just for that you will have to beg me. You obviously have forgotten just who I am. You also obviously forgot that it was you that came to me. Beg me, or you will suffer more than you think." Ephus told her as she started to moan and wither.

"I do not beg human, I am the daughter of Ze-." Here she groaned out louder as Ephus barely brushed close to her opening.

"As I said, I can make this extremely pleasurable, or painful from the want I could leave you with. It's your decision, though I think you should decide quick. I do have other things to do."
This statement, plus another feather light touch to her sex elicited another deep groan. "Fine," Ephus said as he started to remove his self from her.

Standing Ephus shook his head, they were going to irritate him that was for sure. "Human Ephus, I demand that you continue! I-." Aphrodite was demanding, through her hard panting.

"I am no longer human! I think it's about time you learned that. I gave you enough power to return, not much else. Go, the situation there must not be very bad, if you aren't willing to do as I ask." With that, Ephus took another look at her with her legs splayed open, her sex leaking excessively. Shaking his head he turned to go when he heard another whimper from Aphrodite.

"No, please! Please don't abandon my family. We.... I need you, please Ephus, help all of us." Aphrodite said another low whimper issuing from her lips.

Ephus whirled his eyes narrowing as he stared at Aphrodite. "Know this, if this is a trick you will greatly regret it. I have heard of all that goes on there, I can power you up. I can also block that which I give, just so you can tell the others." Here Ephus waved his hand over Aphrodite.

Aphrodite's eyes went wide as she started to tremble. "Please! It hurts! It hurts so, I will make sure they all know. Please, please let me have them back, I will die."

Ephus nodded as he waved his hand over her again causing her to sigh deeply. Kneeling, Ephus looked at her exposed, leaking sex, then he placed his hand on the top of her sex his thumb pressing against her clitoris causing her to cry out. "There that should hold you a bit." Aphrodite smiled, nodded then passed out.

Ephus covered her up moving her into the shade. "Bast!? I need all that you and the others have on the Hellenes gods. I am not about to go in unprepared."

Bast appeared a moment later touching Ephus's head. He was nodding as the information flowed, then started to sigh several times. Shit, they weren't just jealous, they were also vengeful as hell . Shaking his head, then thinking of Aphrodite, he was going to have his work cut out for him.

"Like I said husband, I do not trust them. They have far more of the petty human emotions. Though I can not go there, unless there is a problem or." Here Bast slightly smiled. "We declare a war on them, I will use all my power to watch you."

Ephus nodded as he held Bast close, "I know my Bast. I am hoping it doesn't take as long as I feel it might. With all that you supplied though, I fear it will."

"Please husband, trust no one. Though you have not completely bonded with her, they are aware now. I am sure that there will be those that wish you to fail." Bast said another worried look on her beautiful face.

"I will keep that in mind." He said as he tapped his head making Bast smile wide. Kissing him again, she vanished.

It was another hour before Aphrodite stirred from her slumber. Looking up, she smiled at him sheepishly after she looked under what was covering her. "I take it that we are still not done?" A small smile lit up her face. "Can we please continue?"

Ephus looked at her then asked. "you think you have the strength? I know that took a lot out of you. here," he said as he put a hand on her for five seconds.Her eyes got wide then briefly glowed. Even as he watched her appearance got younger. "Ah! better!"

She suddenly shot out of the chair hugging Ephus fiercely, "thank you! I finally feel more like a goddess. Though perhaps? We need to finish the bonding." This last she said shyly, damn Ephus thought, did I make that big of an impression?

Aphrodite uncovered, she then removed Ephus's clothes again. This time, he went straight to her sex, latching onto her he began to pleasure her with his lips, tongue and teeth. Within minutes she was again begging him to take her.

This time Ephus was ready him self, as he smoothly slid deep within her now soaked sex. Barely moving, Ephus wanted to make sure she was ready, then she drove her hips upward into him having none of that.

Nodding, Ephus started a slow rhythm that had her whimpering each time he pulled most of the way out. Finally he started to increase his speed as her breathing also increased. A moment later a strange look dominated her features as she screamed out in pleasure.

Just then unable to hold back, Ephus blasted her full of his seed. A startled look came over her face, as she again screamed out, then promptly passed out again. The strange thing though, they were no longer on the roof patio. Where ever this was, it was dismal, grey and slightly cold.

Laying with Aphrodite a moment, Ephus thought, remembering all of their thoughts. Then he closed his eyes as he shook his head. Shit! They were in the Olympus Realm, as far as he knew it was his doing.

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