Chapter 1- The Case

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Hey guys this is my first time trying something like this. Just wondering what kind of feedback I can get.

If you're into video game stories, stories about love and love lost, and a cutthroat world of angels and demons, then this is the book for you!

With votes come updates! I will try to update daily but I have a busy schedule. Scream at me in the comments if you want to continue reading my awesome book lol.

It was 12:30am and I was tired beyond the physical limit. I was working non-stop, double shifts so my boss would consider me for the big promotion. The bad news is that my boss, Hilda Hargrave hates me. I can't explain why, but the woman just can't stand me. I was officially on the verge of a mental and physical meltdown. As I nestled my head onto my uncomfortably cold pillow and tried to drift off into unconsciousness, I heard a faint noise coming from my wife's office. As if my tiring day couldn't have gotten any worse. I tiptoed down the unusually long hallway and to my relief only found my great Dane, Pinto, sniffing under her desk.

Pinto was a blessing from a couple of my good friends who moved away a few years ago. They couldn't take her with them so they gave her to me. She has truly been my best friend, I still remember when I used to be home all the time,when I was actually able to take her to the dog park so she could run around and play with all of the other dogs half her size. She has a beautiful brown coat that is virtually spotless. I used to keep her nails clipped when I had the time to sit and cut them, but now they get so long I can tell when she is coming down the hallway by the "click, click, click" of her nails on the polished hardwood floors. Now all I saw of her was her big brown bottom stuck right up in the air while she was sniffing under the desk.

Worried, I asked, "Pinto, what are you doing?" Pinto looked up and whined as if she wanted to tell me something. Just then, something flashed from under the desk and I thought I caught a glimpse of two dark green eyes staring up at me. My heart beat hard in my chest and I was sure whatever was under the desk could hear it loud and clear. As I took a step back, the eyes seemed to fade. I took another step back and the eyes disappeared altogether. Wonder overcame my fear in that instant and I took a step forward. The eyes reappeared and then began to glow. "Pinto, fetch." I whispered. She whimpered but, reluctantly did as she was told. Her head disappeared under the desk for a moment then the sound of dragging filled the room. She came out from under the desk with a large, cube-like case in her jaw.

I grabbed the case from her and sat in the chair staring at it. The header read "Once You're In, You Never Come Out." I read the header over and over until my eyes finally tore away and rested on the title, "Hunted." It had pictures of Behemoths, Cyclopes, Centaurs and an assortment of other creatures of which names I did not know. One creature, more than the others, caught my eye. Standing there, right in the middle of the case was a creepy looking wizard that took up most of the front of the box. He was dressed in ornately patterned robes that made his already pale face seem slightly green, as if he were sick.

I was tempted to throw the box away and never think of it again. Tanya would never believe that this game just happened to show up at the house. I wanted to avoid that argument as much as possible. I already had a collection of over 70 games, some of which I hardly ever played. I stole another glance at the case and realized it was the wizard's enormous eyes that caught my attention from under the desk the first time. They were the darkest shade of green that I had ever seen; they stood out against his ghostly pale skin and the dark green robe he wore. That was it, I walked back down the long hallway, out the back door, and right up to our big black garbage can that sat there waiting ever so patiently for another delicious morsel. I lifted the lid and tossed the case right in.

Feeling satisfied, I walked back into the house and sat on Tanya's office chair. As I sat there in the darkness, I noticed a glow in the corner of the office. Slowly, again afraid something would jump out at me; I made my way over to the corner. As I reached out to grab the glowing object, a pair of dark green eyes opened and began to glow and lighten into a brighter shade of green. Suddenly the room was filled with an eerie green glow.

My heart seemed to thud and come to a complete stop. I flipped the switch and stared into the corner. There was the case, seemingly mocking me in the corner. Although, this time, the cover seemed to be slightly altered. The wizard was no longer standing there empty handed. he was holding something, more like clenching a figure in his arms. I looked closely, focusing on the figure and I noticed the peacefuness and flow of the figure's golden brown hair. It was clearly a woman. The way her cheekbones were prominent against her face and the curve of her lips, smooth and perfect, gave that away. The wizard was holding a sleeping beauty and I felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest. The wizard was holding my wife, Tanya.

Please vote and comment!! Updates will come with votes. This is my first time trying to write something. I would like feedback

In later chapters I go back and describe the main character and his wife. Plus, it gets a lot more interesting with "the case"

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