Never Let Me Go..

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Hey! My name is Ciara,

this is my first ever story on this so please vote and become a fan!!!!

I hope you enjoy this story :) xx

Please Comment!:)

******************************************* INTRO TO STORY **********************************************

There is alot more than meets the eye when it comes to Isabella (Izzy) Hale, On first impression, she is a very pretty, quite stylish, quiet teenage girl..But she is homeless, alone on the streets of London. She makes her money by singing on the streets with nothing but an empty take away cup for people to throw her a few useless coins. When she was only 5 years old her widdowed, alchoholic mother left her on the streets to fend for herself as she did not have the money or patients to take care of her. Izzy was left to scavage food, and do whatever she could to earn enough money for a piece of clothing to cover her body. But Izzy was strong. She was not fazed by people looking down on her and judging her and her story, she didn't care what people thought of her. She was alone in the world, but that felt normal to her. Nobody had ever showed her any kind of affection or genuine kindness or concern for her. She was not important to anybody.. not loved by anybody, not wanted, not even by her own mother. That was until she met the only person who attempted to show her kindness, to talk to her.. Zayn Malik. But Could she trust this stranger?..


(Zayn isn't famous at the start..x)


Thank you for reading the intro :)

I know it sounds quite boring but i promise it will get better! :)

Please keep reading my story, vote & comment! :)

Thank you :)xx


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