Chapter 1 ~ just the begining..

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"Daryl I swear, I was at jakes he doesn't mean anything to me nothing happened I promise" even though that's a lie. I've been friends with jake my whole life and haven't said anything, I'm scared how he would react and it would probably ruin our friendship.

I say to my boyfriend of 5 years daryl he's a prick, he beats me cheats on me and blames everything on me. Even though I don't do anything.

"Oh bull shit lizzie, your nothing but a pathetic little bitch. What was even thinking when I started dating you!" He shouts In my faces and smacks me across the face this causes me to connect with the floor and his my face off the coffee table in the proses.

"Get up you stupid cow!" He shouts again and kicks me in the stomach.

15 minutes later and I manage to get my self off the floor. I head to my room and packed up all my stuff.

I phone a taxi and tell him jakes address, it takes 5 minutes to get there.

Once I get to his I ring the door bell and he answers wearing a pair of black denims and a black t shirt (wow) I think to my self..

"Lizzie" he whispers and touches my face. I flinch at his touch but I calm down when I know he's not going to hurt me.

"Lizzie, did he do this to you". The tears have no control and they start poring out and he wraps his arms around me and takes me inside.

"You can stay here as long as you like" he says lighting up a cigarette and takes a draw and breathes it out so perfectly.

"I can't believe that prick done that to you!, I'm going to kill him" he says angrily.

"No your not.. I'm not going to let you get hurt".

"Lizzie, if I'm going to kill him, I'm not the one going to get hurt" he says and winks and I blush and he comes closer cupping my face.

"Lizzie you deserve so much better than him, your so beautiful, smart, kind and funny".

"Jake, jake I love you" I say without even thinking and put my hands on my mouth as if I didn't say anything.

"Lizzie, I love you to" he leans in and kisses me.

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