A Love Game (Sherlock One-Shot)

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The Love Game

 A/N: Sherlock belongs to BBC and of course Moffat. 

P.S: I also meant to not put the OC's name

   Sherlock is sitting in his usual chair as I sit on the couch laying down, John was typing away at his computer, “John are you writing your blog again?” I ask angrily.

       “Yes,” John answered irritably, “why do you two not like my blog?”

       “It’s not that…” I say immediately feeling bad.

       “It is your lying.” Sherlock told me, than there was a knock on the doors.

       “Clients?” I asked as Mrs. Hudson let them in.

       “Sherlock, you have a client.” Mrs. Hudson told him as I heard her lead them up the stairs.

       “Hello,” A nasally English voice told us coming in, “I need some help.”  

       “With what?” Sherlock asked rudely.

       “My name is Elizabeth Atkins,” My eyes widened at the name, she was a very rich woman and very high in the British government, “my jewels and my ID card have been stolen, I can’t go to the authorites because I got this.”

        She handed something to Sherlock who scowled, “We’ll help.”

        Something got Sherlock’s attention with that letter, “Blackmail.” I deduced.

        “Yes,” Sherlock told me, “look by who.”

        Sherlock handed me the letter, it was signed by Aiken Wicker, we had been chasing him for weeks, we’d defiantly be taking this case, “It’s Aiken, John.”

         “Well I’ll be damned.” John whistled, “Finally.”

         “So you’ll take the case?” Elizabeth asked.

         “Yes, we will.” Sherlock told her distractedly.

         “Oh great!” The woman beamed.

          I just rolled my eyes laying back down.

The Next Day


        “Oi wake up!” John yelled at me as I groaned and got up out of my bed, down the hall from his room. I took a shower and brushed my red hair and got dressed in a plain black dress and a dark coat with a blue scarf.

        “I know where this paper was made,” Sherlock told us, “the old paper mill down Abbot Lane that closed down.”

        “Isn’t that trap obvious though?” I asked irritably.

        “Well we’re going to figure out, aren’t we?” Sherlock told me just as irritably.

        I just sighed and headed out with both of them as we headed to Abbot lane via taxi and we went into the paper mill there was a box there, I went forward slowly and opened the box to find pictures of the three of us, “Guys this is us, he’s been following us, this is a threat.”

      “Okay, this is interesting.” John told me.

       “Let’s figure this out, maybe we can find where the ID and jewelry is.” I told them.

       “We can, look at this,” Sherlock told me grabbing the photo, “I think he hid them at our old crime scenes.”

       “Now do you know how to lure him out?” I asked irritably.

        “I think so.” Sherlock told me. The next few days Sherlock explained that we, will I would be the bait for Aiken, since that is how I met the duo. Aiken had a soft side for me, if I was hurt he would get me if Sherlock and John wouldn’t. John thought it was dangerous but I did not.

           Sherlock figured out how to get me hurt, Sherlock was going to slap me and John and I would argue than hopefully Aiken would come. That night we recovered the stolen items, and then Sherlock , John and I went outside.

          “Sherlock I hate you!” I yelled with fake tears running down my cheeks ruining my makeup, “You bastard!”

          Then I slapped him and he slapped me back.

         “What the hell were you thinking going to alert Aiken?” John yelled.

         Than they both left and I saw someone in the shadows, I clicked the pen behind my back and put it in my pocket.

           “Aiken?” I was surprised this worked.

           “Come here babe.” Aiken told me and I ran and hugged than we got in a car and drove off as I kept tabs on where we were going.

           “I knew you would come back to me.” Aiken told us, I was honestly scared, this man once worked for Moriarty and Moriarty would not mess with him now. We stopped at a warehouse and we got out and walked inside, “I know I should apologize but this is the end for you.”

              A gun was pointed at my head, “This is the end for you too, mate.” I heard John shout than Aiken fell over after a loud shot.



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