Chapter 1

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I woke with a fright as I heard my alarm scream at me to get up, as I grabbed my phone to shut off the alarm I noticed the missed calls and messages that I had from my 'friends'. Instead of replying to them I switched off my alarm and got out off bed.

"BREA, ARE YOU UP" yelled my mum from the living room. "Yeah" I called back before picking out my outfit for the day, as I walked into the bathroom I looked in the mirror and stared at my reflection.

I wasn't the prettiest of girls that was for sure. I had long brown hair as well as dark brown eyes that where hidden behind my glasses, I wasn't skinny to be honest, but I wasn't fat more in between the too. I had a curvy figure and was 5ft 8inchs tall. sighing I turned around and got into the shower and once I was out I brushed my teeth, got dressed and headed to the living room were I found my mum sitting on the sofa. "Typical" I grumbled to myself.

"When's the new sofa coming?" I questioned as I walked through to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. "Me, and Ron are about to go and pick it up from the seller" replied my mum as she stood up and walked away to go and find my younger brother.

"Well guess it's just you and me Mr.tea" I sighed as I stared at my newly made cup of tea. I was very used to being left alone or with my little brother whilst my mum either went out or went to work.

"Oh by the way Brea, I'm leaving Mark here with you whilst i'm away getting the new sofa. We shouldn't be to long though so just leave him to watch the TV or something" my mother said as she walked into the kitchen. I nodded my head and took a sip of my tea, watching as my mum left the kitchen, grabbed her keys and disappeared out of the front door. After I had finished my tea I walked into the living room and looked around. "What a mess" I grumbled as I walked to the kitchen grabbed a bin bag and started to tidy the living room.

After about an hour and a half cleaning I heard the front door opening and my mum calling my name. I quickly put the bin bag down and rushed towards the front door and as soon as I got there  I saw my mum carrying one part of the new sofa, I quickly grabbed it lifting it out of her hands and carrying it through to the large space in the living that the new sofa would soon fill.

"Brea, come get the next part" Shouted my mum from the porch as I ran back to grab the next part of the sofa. After a hard 30 minutes we had built and placed the new sofa where it was meant to be. "It's a really nice sofa"I beamed as I walked over to it and sat down. "And it was pretty cheap to" my mum replied with a small chuckle.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I am babysitting the two young boys again tomorrow" I mumbled as I closed my eyes and relaxed into the sofa. "Well i'm working all day so it doesn't really effect me, but thanks for the warning anyway" She answered as she walked off to spend some more time with her son.

Ding, hearing my phone make a sound from the kitchen I quickly got up and went to discover what or who it was that had been daring enough to disturb my relaxation. When I opened my phone though i instantly started smiling as I saw that I had a snapchat from Bruce my one and only true friend in this world.

'Hey, do you want to come to mine tomorrow for the night?'

'Can't I'm babysitting, what about Saturday?'

'Saturday sounds good, anyway how are you?, are you feeling better?'

'Great and could be better, but at least I'm happier'

'well it's better than nothing'

'Got to go my mums calling for me, talk to you later'

'OK, see  you later'

 I sighed as I stood up and walked towards where my mum and brother would be. "BREA, GET HERE NOW" screeched my mum. I quickened my pace and in a couple of seconds I was standing at my little brothers bedroom door. "Yeah, what is it?" I questioned as I walked in and stood by the wardrobe. "Me and Mark are going to watch some movies in the living room" she answered whilst standing up, "you can't come though"screeched my younger brother with a small smile.

"MARK, apologise to your sister now" yelled my mother, even though she was tried to sound angry I could tell that she agreed with him. "It's fine, I need to finish some homework anyway" I muttered as I left the room and walked straight into my own room, turning around i locked the door and walked over to my computer.

"Well" I sighed "I better get started". Turning my computer on I sat down and started to complete the homework that was due for english.

After 2 hours I completed my english homework, reading over my work I gave a satisfied smile and printed it off. Slowly I stood up and made my way towards the printer, grabbing my work I placed it safely in my english folder and put it back into my school bag. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 6pm. 

As I walked towards the living room I could smell the food that my mum was making. Smells nice I thought to myself as I entered the kitchen to find my mum starting to serve dinner. "Oh Brea, before you sit down could you grab everyone a drink" my mum asked once she saw me standing in the door way. "Sure" I answered walking over to the cabinet that held the glasses, grabbing three i started to make everyone their drinks to go with their dinner.

I sat down once I had finished and started to eat, shoving the food into my mouth so that I wouldn't have to sit with them for too long.

"I'm going round to Bruce's house Saturday night" I spoke. "Again, weren't you there last weekend as well? well whatever" Replied my mum as she turned to look at Mark. As my mum started to speak with Mark I decided that I had had enough of my dinner so I stood up, placed my plate in the kitchen and walked back through to my room.

Looking at my phone I decided to reply to the texts that my 'friends' had sent.

'Hey Brea, want to hang out soon'

'Can't sorry, I'm working tomorrow'

'Oh, well that's a shame'

I'm sure it is I thought to myself

'Yeah, maybe some other time?'

'Sure sounds great, oh did I tell you about the new kid that's meant to be starting at our school?!?!'

'Great, and no I don't think you have'

'Well, apparently a new kids starting on Monday but nobody knows who it is, like they don't know their name, what they look like or even what gender they are. It's really weird'

'That is strange, but I guess we will find out on Monday'

Yeah, I guess thats true'


'Anyway I got to go, talk to you tomorrow'

'Okay, Bye'

Placing my phone down on my bed I decided to read a new book that I had bought, carefully i removed the book from the shelf and made my way towards the small sofa in the corner of my room. I sat down and started to read, soon I was lost in a whole new world, forgetting about the real world.

Before I knew it, I was starting to fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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