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-3671 BBY

Revan watched as his council gathered round, Canderous Ordo, standing in for the Mandalorians sat to his right. Prime, standing in for the Rutharians to his left. To Prime's left, Mitth'alani sat, standing in for the Chiss. Before Revan, sat a scroll. Not far away, Hk 47 watched. "The scroll, it tells an ancient prophecy." Mitth'alani spoke, her voice strong. "Indeed Mitth'alani. But who does it speak off is the question?" Prime replied. His two large eyes watching the scroll with interest.

"It speaks of an era long ahead of us, an era without any of us alive." Revan announced. His eyes sweeping over the scroll. "Well, what does it say?" Canderous asked. Revan cleared his throat. "When an Empire falls, a darkness so dark will begin to cover the stars. Consuming the light as they move. When the darkness arrives. A member of the Light's council will arise to take command, uniting the galaxy in a war for freedom." Mitth'alani blinked, her red eyes scanning the room. "Who is this member?" Revan sighed. "It does not say." The room was cast into darkness as they armed themselves. A figure laughed and a fight ensured.

The face of the killer emerged from the darkness, his blue eyes wide with sinister plans.


Ezra woke fast, his eyes scanning the room he's in. Blinked, Ezra glanced to see that Sabine was still sleeping peacefully. With a sigh, Ezra got up, being carful as to not wake Sabine. Entering the refresher, Ezra whipped his face. 'The hell was that?' Ezra shook his head. "You ok?" Ezra sighed, Sabine also managed to know when he wasn't at her side in bed.

"Not really, I need to see Ahsoka and the other members of the Jedi Council tomorrow." Sabine gave a small nod, turning slightly to face the bed. "Don't forget, I'm here if you need anything." Ezra gave a small nod.

Yavin IV
-New Jedi Temple

Ezra slowly landed the Kom'rk fighter. Powering down the systems before he walked down the ramp. Glancing round, Ezra took a deep breath and advanced forward. Young padawns, knights and masters walked around, each doing what they did best. Entering the Massassi temple, Ezra smiled as Obi Wan told a tale from the Clone Wars. "And there's my former padawn passing right now." Ezra shook his head as he walked by. "Obi Wan, don't go giving the younglings any ideas now." Obi Wan chuckled. "You've still got your sense of humour I see."

Ezra rolled his eyes. "I got to get going. I'll see you around." Obi Wan gave a small nod, turning to face the younglings.

Ezra came to a stop by the council chamber. Taking a deep breath, he entered. The door behind him closing. "Mand'alor, you wanted to speak with us." Kanan said. He sat on his chair, sitting on Luke's left, but on Kota's right. To the right of Luke, Leia sat, to her right, Ahsoka sat. "Yes, this concerns something I've learned recently." Sitting down, Ezra's eyes swept the room. "Go on." Luke encouraged. "A vision of the past." Leia blinked. Since she had agreed to train. Ezra had taken her in as his padawn, teaching her much. In that time, her respect for him had grown.

"Another one." Ahsoka stated. Ezra nodded. "This time, it took place on Bagur, the day that my ancestor and the original council of the Order of Light was killed." Kanan bit his lower lip, glancing at Kota for a few seconds. "This is worrying, what did you see and hear?" Kota asked. Ezra crossed his legs and took a deep breath. "A prophecy, and the face of the killer. The council was talking, discussing this prophecy when the room fell into darkness. A fight happened. I couldn't see what had happened. But from the darkness. Doom emerged, his eyes were burning with sinister plans."

Leia blinked. "Do you remember the prophecy?" Ezra gave a small nod. "When an Empire falls, a darkness so dark will begin to cover the stars. Consuming the light as they move. When the darkness arrives. A member of the Light's council will arise to take command, uniting the galaxy in a war for freedom." Luke stroked his chin, his mind racing to think.

"Could this empire that falls be the Galactic Empire?" Kanan thought. "It might be, it's very possible." Kota crossed his arms. "I don't think it was coincidence that Doom killed them while they were discussing the prophecy." Ezra nodded in agreement. "I agree, it's too, unusual. And the fact that the force is showing me this now, it all means something. I'm just not sure what it means or is telling us."

Luke thought, his mind remembering everything he had been told before. "You said one of the Yul fleets arrived towards the end of the Battle of Bagur. Is it possible that Doom managed to board one of those ships and escape while letting us all think he's dead." Ezra blinked. "It's possible. And if this vision of the past tells me anything, it's that Doom isn't easy to kill. Something's not right. I shall see what Thrawn and Primax think of the prophecy. Perhaps they will see something that we failed to see." Kota nodded. "I best be going, I have a system to rule over." Luke nodded, allowing Ezra to leave.

Unknown Regions
-Yullon star system
-Yullon IV

A figure stopped before the throne. Upon the throne, covered in darkness. Sat their leader. "My Lord, we have taken out a First Order Fleet." The figure on the throne smiled. "Very good, keep them out of our space. We must be ready to move out when the time is right." The figure bowed. "As you command my lord." The figure left. The leader chuckled. His eyes sweeping the throne room...

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