Appeared out of no were.

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There was a lord the name of Aron Smirnov. He was teaching his 5-year-old son Travis Smirnov to hunt. when they were going back to the town the lord hired a nouse behind him. he looked back and saw a baby laying there. he decides to tack it back to town. when he gets back his wife went in labor. he had Servant tack care of the baby that came from the forest. he named the baby boy that he just has just now as Noah Smirnov. after the baby was born he notes his wife was dead. Then he went the witch named Lucinda to see how old was the baby that was in the woods. Lucinda said that he was not even a day old. the Lord said that he would keep and named him jack Smirnov. the lord claimed he was the one who killed his wife. he grabbed the hole town and bared his wife. he took all his kid's aspect jack. five years later the lord was teaching his kids how to fight. he tould Noah how to fight with a sword but he tolts jack how to us the bow well saying the bow was the weak men weapon. the lord did not think that Noah would be teaching Jack how to use a sword. the lord was so mean to jack that the band every one to not be his friend and to be mean to him. the town listens to him because he is the lord. a year pass and an assassin killed Noah. the lord did not allow Jack to go to his funeral. jack went in the words and cried. when he was crying a girl ask why he was crying.

jack said, "my brother died and my dad not letting me go to the funeral to say my last goodbye."

the girl said, "well that's too bad. you can go after the funeral right?"

"no my dad abanded me for going to the graveyard for my life."

"Well, my name is Katelyn. what is yours"


"well, jack wants to be friends?"

"My dad a bid me for having friends"

"what kind of father would do that"

"the one who blame me for the death of my mother"

"how old are you?"

"10 years"

"how could you kill your mum"

"well because I came out what after my brother was born, the one that dead"

"wow, that just sucks. well, I turning 9 tomorrow and my mom is going to tell me a secret. I hope to see you tomorrow here too"

"wait what."he says when when he looks up he sees a girl running away with this blond and blue hair.

jack says," blue?"

he never saw someone with two colors before. just after that, he hired his older brother Travis calling for him. he went to Travis. when jack sees him he has his friends with him and hired Travis to say when "I find you I'm going to kill you for breaking up my family". jack started to run after he herd that but they saw him. when he was running went in the forbidden part of the forest. he went into a cave then he felt like he was in the worst place he can be. He looked around and saw a lot of firers and the thing that looks like NgErlik Warriors. one of them walked up to Jack. His mask looks like is vanished when Jack looks at it. He started to cry because it was his brother. As Jack was about to say something the NgErlik Warrior swung his sword and cut off jack arm. then the NgErlik Warriors took the arm and fuse it in a sword and gave it to jack.

"pick it up and fight me." Noah

"I don't wont to fight my brothers' soul." jack says not knowing were he is.

"im not a soul I am Noah its fight or live for me as my armor." Noah "I don't wont to be armor. why me our bother is stronger than me why chose me." jack

"he doesn't have a strong soul are you do so I'm here for you" Noah

jack picks up the sword and swings at the NgErlik Warrior but he does it and swings at jack and jack block it. then jack corner attack with adage and hits. with Noah died in his arm.

"it's not your fault i was controlled please forgive me and don't blame yourself you had to do it to save your self and save m...."when Noah was saying something there was a pendant that sucks him in and shot it in jack.

after a day Katelyn woke up jack.

"Jack, Jack are you all right."

"what happens? where am I?"

"you don't remember what happen you save me and then you clap."

"I - Me saved you for what?"

"form the assassins. they took me form my parents and-and mad me do bad things."

"what did th-"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry."

"what for?"

"they made me kill you brother bu-but i-i didn't wont to do it and the target was for you, not your bother I'm so sorry I'm really sorry."

"that ok I did get to say my goodbyes to my brother and he forgave me for not being there with him. wait they were going for me? ill kill them all for the hurt the only people that treated me nice."

"you mainly killed them all you got hurt bad but steal come for me and ran so fast that they can't catch us and we even fell off a high cliff and shield me ."

"how did you do that I thought your dad did not let you train."

"he didn't."

"and how did you see your brother? did he come back how are you not dead"

"he gave me a sword so I use the sword that he made out of my arm. my arm how do I have it. it also feels stronger."

"why did he do that they mainly leave the head"

"he wanted to make me into armor."

"how is he serpost to make you in to armor and were the sword he gave you now"

"i dont know."

"all you had is a knife and a bow?"

"The last thing i can remember is picking up the sword an then blank. I dont even know were I got them. I dont even know if he is nearer or even dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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