Magic Mirror~D. Gray Man~

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"See how the game of life is playing all of us for fools? Dancing string around us, making all these silly rules. See how he looks down on us like we're acting out a show? Throw the dice, and let's see which head will roll!"

The dark haired girl sat in a chair by the window, staring outside, into the forest. She sang to herself quietly. There wasn't much else to do.

It had been about a year since Even had left. And now, she was all alone. She was able to keep her spirits up easily. She'd done it for years already, so it wasn't exactly something new. But it certainly took more effort now that she'd lost her only friend.

Road sighed. It was getting late, and she was getting tired. Even though she hadn't done anything. But because of that fact, and her illness, she got tired a lot easier. She grabbed a short staff that was leaning against the wall next to her and slowly stood, using it as support. She began walking slowly toward her bed, but there was suddenly a voice from outside her door.

"The third Alice was an innocent young girl of club, and enchanting, graceful figure in the world of Wonderland. She charmed the people in the land to every beck and call. A peculiar country answering to each command. So she rose into the throne to be the country's queen, consumed by paranoia of her own impending death~ soon the queen succumbed to a dark and nightmarish dream! Disguised in kindness, loathing fate, she secured her regime."

The voice was so sudden that Road ended up falling to the ground with a squeak. She stayed down and quiet until the song was finished, and she recognized the voice. She slowly sat up and looked at the door. "I told you years ago not to sing of my mother!" She snapped.

A light laugh came from outside and the door unlocked and opened. A tall man with dark, curly hair and brown eyes walked in. "Yes. But that was years ago." He laughed.

Road's eyes brightened a bit as she stood. "Tyki, you're back!" She said happily. The man grinned and walked over. "Of course." He said with a bow.

But Road gave him a pout. "Yeah. It's been a few years. Asshole." She stuck her tongue out at him.

Tyki simply smiled in response. "Come on, princess. No need to be rude." He said. The girl rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Why are you here in the first place?" She asks curiously.

That was when Tyki's eyes lit up. "We're leaving tomorrow morning. The section of the war that was at the castle has moved back. There's still a bit of cleaning up to do, but it's safe to return now." He said. Happiness filled Road's eyes. She had almost forgotten about Even already. And that was probably good for her. She was snapped out of her thought as Tyki spoke again. "Get some sleep here tonight. I'll stay here as well, and we can leave in the morning." He said.

Road smiled and was about to say something when the taller man picked her up. She whined in protest, and tried to kick her legs, but couldn't. She simply felt a dull pain as she tried. Tyki set her on the bed and covered her up. "Oh hush. You still aren't healed, and I'm sure you've been trying to move around all this time. But you're stronger than when I last saw you. That's a good thing." He said.

Road sighed. "I was healed for a while...." She muttered, and received a questioning look from Tyki. She smiled. "Sorry. Talking to myself." She said. The man nodded and stood to leave, when Road called out again. "Hey.. Can you stay for a little bit?" She asked. Now that she was aware of someone else's presence in the house, she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep soundly without someone with her for at least a little bit. And fortunately, Tyki smiled and agreed as he came back and sat in the chair. Road sighed quietly and turned over on her side. "Why was this house chosen? For me to hide in, I mean?" She asks.

Tyki looks over at her from his spot by the window. "Well, it was one of the most safest and familiar places we knew of. It was your mother's home, and you're for a while."

Magic Mirror~D. Gray Man~Where stories live. Discover now