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Draco walked down the aisles of the Hogwarts Express, more than happy to be going back to the castle he thought as home. He headed straight to the compartment where Blaise and his other ''friends'' from Slytherin were sitting. He heard laughter coming from the compartment on his left, and realizing it was Potter's  gang, he kept walking. 

I can't wait to see Hermionie, he thought. Draco slapped himself - what the bloody hell was he thinking, he can't be fancying the mudblood. He made it to his compartment and threw his bags up above their heads. Draco took his spot by the window next to Blaise, who started taunting him about "beautiful Miss Granger". 

Draco punched him in the shoulder, "Blaise, would shut up! And you wonder why I don't tell you things?" He leaned back against the seat and zoned out, he couldn't believe he was actually thinking about Granger! Maybe what Blaise told him to do last year was right - maybe he should try to talk to her. Bad Idea! his mind screamed. It'll end with either a punch to the face or too many questions. 


"We're almost there," Harry pointed out. Hermionie, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna were sitting together on the way to Hogwarts. They were still arguing about Quidditch, with Harry supporting Ginny and Neville supporting Ron. 

"Are you okay, Hermionie?" Hermionie had stopped listening and was staring at the wall. It was Luna who had asked her. "Yeah, I'm good," she responded. "I just thought I saw Draco walk by. He sort of stopped by the window of our compartment" Hermionie added. 

No, I am not okay! She wanted to say. She had a horrible crush on Malfoy himself. She hated her mind for even thinking such a thing. The only person who knew was Harry, because somehow he trusted her with his life, so she knew she could trust him with hers. 

They got off the train together, and joined all the other excited students heading toward the castle. As they were heading to the Great Hall for dinner, Luna stepped away to join her friends from Ravenclaw and Neville was beckoned over by Seamus and Dean. As the four of them were about to sit down at the Griffendor table, Draco stopped them. 

"I need speak with Granger," he said. 

"We're not leaving, so say what you need to say or leave, Ferret!"  Ginny yelled at him. 

"Fine, you blood-traitor. Hermionie, meet me in the fourth-floor corridor after dinner. If you don't show, warning you now you don't get a second chance." Draco replied with a sneer. 

"Oh, and Weasel, do be so kind and control your sister. I don't like people with anger issues." With a smirk Draco returned to the Slytherin table, and sat down between someone Hermione didn't recognize and Blaise. 

The first years were sorted, but Hermionie was too lost in thought to cheer for new coming Griffendors. Dinner started, and food appeared on the table. While Ron and Ginny started yet another argument, Harry turned to Hermione. "What are you going to do?" he asked quietly. 

"I guess I'll go, but-" Harry's look was enough to tell her he thought otherwise. 

"Okay, would it make you feel better if I took the invisibility cloak or the Marauder's Map?" Hermionie asked, sensing Harry's fear of her going (and probably being hurt) 

"Take both." Harry replied. "And take one of the DA's Galleons too, that way you can let me know if anything, and I mean anything, goes wrong. I'll get there and Stupefy Malfoy if I have to!" 

Harry winked and Hermione hugged him. She realized how safe she felt in his arms. "Thanks for everything, Harry." she said in his ear. He smiled and gave her a tight squeeze, and before they knew it dinner was over.

Thanks so much for reading, this is my first story. Next chapter will be out before you know it! If, you're wondering, more action/events planned into next chapter.

Love, Malfoy 

P.S. - AHHHH! What's going to happen to Hermionie?? What has Draco planned?? 

Continue reading to find out!

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