This is for OsianSTN (hes a massive furry nonce) because he wanna get fucc by his fren cemal (is also a massive furry nonce) and they gei so no hat on dixxxxx
Cemal wan to git uot he's cook tu shuv it in oceans bum bum. So hi tok ort he's 999999999km cauk adn gev ocean the willy in anus. Thei com nad doo ir agen 4 ours. Thin ocean dis becas of Btech snorlaxes 69km cok.
Then hi dies necrophilia and git the aress bc it bi fuccin disgut. Ocean git rivivil an camil cek git evn herd. Thy du dat fuccy fuccy al nite whil camel in jayl. Ocean screm "Dadeeehhhh""" and he cemmed lek 69 tiems.
This book is now being investigated by the police and fbi.