Under Age & Out Of Control (18)

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We walked on. "Well, didn't you hatch off rather quick?" Monica asked walking up. "If I hear one more thing about having kids or false alarms, someone is going to get hurt." I growled. "Wow. How many people have asked you that?" She asked. "Well, Damion asked, the older woman sitting back there asked, then you asked! If people don't stop asking me that!" I exclaimed. "Ok. Well ain't just us that knew about the false alarm?" She asked. "Yes. I would like to keep it that way. Change of subject." I said. "Ok." Monica replied. "What the h3ll are we supposed to talk about? Damn, give us an idea." Damion said.

~Later That Day~

Monica went home and Damion went back to my house with me and Jamie.

I was standing in the kitchen. Jamie ran to the fridge and was saying something but we couldn't understand him. Damion grabbed the tail of Jamie's shirt and gently pulled him back and shut the door. Jamie started crying. Damion opened the door and he stopped crying. That escapade went on for a few minutes until I finally figured out what he was wanting. "I think he wants a hot dog." I told Damion. Damion handed Jamie a cold hot dog and he ran for the living room. I was standing at the counter and folded the dish towel my mother had for everyone to dry their hands. I placed it on the edge of the counter beside the cookie jar. Damion grabbed it up and tossed it around unfolding it. "Why did you do that?! I just put hard work into folding that and you go and undo it!" I exclaimed. He laughed. "Here. We're a team. We'll fold it together." He said handing me the corners of the towel. We folded the towel then placed it on the counter. I jumped up on the counter sitting on it. Damion slowly wrapped his arms around my waist. I rested my forehead against his. "My mom would so kill me if she knew I was sitting on the counter." I smiled. "I would defend you." He replied with a smile. Me nor him said another word before he kissed me. I locked my legs around his waist and my finger tangled in his black hair. Then we heard someone knock on the door and Jamie came running. "Someone at the door!" He exclaimed pointing towards the living room door. "There is? Do you think we should go see who it is?" I asked. "Uh-huh." He nodded. Me and Damion laughed. When I got off the counter Jamie was holding his arms up towards me. I picked him up. Someone knocked on the door again. "Coming!" I yelled. "Here. Hold him. I'll be right back." I said handing Jamie to Damion. I walked in the living room and opened the door. It was Hayley. "Hayley? What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm here for very specif reasons. Please. Shut the door and repeat nothing of which I tell you." She said. I was confused. I shut the door and stepped out. "Tell my mother you cannot keep Jamie no more. Your life and other's is in danger." She said lowly. "What? Hayley, what are you talking about?" I asked. "My brother Dani. He's lost it horribly. That's why my parents moved back. Bri, don't think he won't. He threatened my parents. Stay away from us. He's more dangerous than a rattle snake." She explained. I placed my hand over my mouth in shock. "Bri, I didn't move with my parents. I still live in Georgia. I'm staying there in hopes that he won't go looking for my parents. If you know what's best for you and those you love, you won't keep my little brother anymore. Dani won't hurt Jamie for anything in the world but he's just gone freakin crazy in the last year, year and a half. Please for yours and everyone else's sake, tell my mother you can't keep Jamie. Please." She pleaded. I could see something in her eyes but couldn't read exactly what it was. Fear maybe? "I have to go. Do whatever you can to protect yourself." She said and walked away. I turned and walked back in the house. "Who was that?" Damion asked sitting Jamie down on the floor. "A girl who was asking for directions." I lied. He looked at me kinda weird.


I was laying on my bed with Jamie as he started falling asleep. It was getting dark outside almost and neither of our parents would be home for awhile and Damion said he would stay with us until they got home.

I couldn't help but wonder if I should break up with Damion to keep him safe because I was going to protect Jamie. I watched his sweet little face as he dreamed. Then I started drifting off.

~Damion's POV~

I watched as Bri drifted off to sleep with Jamie laying on her arm. They were asleep within seconds of each other. I couldn't help but wonder what she was hiding from me though. I could tell she was lying by the way she acted. She had acted weird ever since whoever that was left. She jumped at every little sound. She seemed so... zoned out. Like she was in her own little world sometimes. Like her mind was somewhere else in time. Her body was just vacant here while her mind roamed the earth. Bri wasn't being the Bri I know. She seemed scared. But scared of what? What could she possibly be scared of? I asked every chance I got but she just told me it was nothing. I wondered if I should worry. Had Paige or some of her gang threatened her and she just didn't want me to know? Whatever it was it was making her act weird. Really weird.

~*The Next Day/ Normal POV~

I was sitting in my room. My parents were over at the neighbors visiting and I didn't have Jamie today so naturally I was bored. I looked up in time to see Damion walking in my door. "I'm glad I'm not naked or anything." I joked as he walked over. "I wouldn't mind." He grinned at me. "Your so crazy." I laughed. "Come on. Your coming with me." He said pulling me up out of my chair and towards the door. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Its a surprise." He said.


After they done something to my hair and my make-up and changed my clothes, for the first time I was able to see the new me. "Here. Before you look in the mirror put this on your lip." He said handing me something. "What is it?" I asked. "Just stand still." He said and put it on my bottom lip. I turned and looked in the mirror. My hair was jet black. My make-up was done beautifully and I had a lip ring. I looked how I wanted to look for years. I looked at myself in the mirror in shock. "Wow." I breathed. "I don't even recognize myself." I said. Damion smiled. My hair was straight for the first time in my life and shorter. "My hair isn't going to stay like this." I said touching my finger tips to my now straight hair. It used to be very curly. "Sure it will. You just have to straighten it everyday." Damion said. "But my mom will kill me." I replied. "No she won't." Damion assured me. "Damion you don't know her like me." I argued. "Don't worry." He assured me.


I got home. My mother was standing in the kitchen washing dishes. "Mom. Don't freak out. I want to show you something." I said standing behind the doorway. "Ok. Let's see it." She said. I walked in the kitchen. She gasped in shock. "What the h3ll?! No ma'am!" She yelled. "Mom! This is me!" I said. "No. You are not a satanist! That Damion done this didn't he? Brianna I will not stand for this!" She yelled. "Mom! I'm not a satanist and neither is Damion! Stop judging!" I yelled back. "Look at what that boy has done to you!" "Did you ever consider he saved my life?! When Paige beat me up down at the bridge, if it wasn't for my friends and Damion I would be dead! Would you rather I be dead then who I am?" "No! You are not going to look like that as long as your my daughter and live under this roof!" "I don't belong here! This is me mother!" "Never will a daughter of mine look like that!" She yelled. I looked in her eyes. Rage rearing in my soul. "Maybe I'm not your daughter." I said calmly and walked away. I went up to my room. Nothing but silence filling the empty air. I was swimming in a sea of pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2010 ⏰

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