Chapter 1- The Lost Realm

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There was once a place of power, a place where so much magic was stored, that almost none could exist there without being destroyed by the sheer strength of it.

Life was perfect. There were Seekers, beings that could hop between realms and manipulate the very fabric of space itself,  that protected the natives from powerful threats, and in return, the Seekers  were given more power to enhance their abilities. They had signed a contract, promising if they ever left, they must tell a civilian or the ruler of them taking their leave. Then, one day, for whatever reason, a massive attack led by an ender-being nearly destroyed the entire realm. The natives had to defend themselves. " Do not fear " the Seekers said, " We were busy, we had been called to do business." little did the natives know, the Seekers had lied. The poor things, what could they have done? How would they even know? Even if they did know, the Seekers had been given so much power, they could've been destroyed in an instant had they dared to speak against the Seekers. If not by the Seekers themselves, then by the ruler who told everyone not to question what the Seekers did, they were their protectors after all. However, the ruler of the realm had been informed nobody had reported seeing them open a rift to leave, or hear of them leaving. Nobody at all. " Do tell me, dear protecters. " the ruler had said, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly " Why have I not heard of  your leaving? " the Seekers were not afraid, they knew if they had said a wendigo had creeped through a gate and snatched them off, anybody in this realm would believe them, they were the protecters after all, why would you mistrust whoever protects your home? " Ah, it was very urgent, the entirety of Contrix could have been destroyed." the Seekers muttered, a somber tone in their voices, their heads hung low. But alas, as they left the palace, they exchanged small smirks, and knowing glances.

Thus began the downfall of the peaceful realm.

The Seekers went to small cat-like beings to get more power, the creatures smelled of cream, their eyes gleamed like the full moon, their tails like the tufts of lion tails that were milky white, they were cotton candy pink, and when they spoke they needn't open their mouths; they spoke with their minds. They were said to have great knowledge of the universe. The Seekers one day had insisted the amount of power they were gaining wasn't enough " Bigger and bigger threats keep appearing! " they shouted " Do you want to die?! We will not protect such stupid beings! " and so, the creatures; Alcions as they were called, gave them twice as much power as they usually got. But the Seekers demanded more power. " That simply isn't enough! " they said. The Alcions were murmuring at their moonlit meetings, and one day they mysteriously disappeared from the realm, never to be seen again. This made the Seekers furious, " YOU TREAT US LIKE THIS WHEN WE PROTECT YOUR PITIFUL REALM?! " they screeched in fury once they found out. They went to the palace, their eyes flaring with anger and hatred. " DEATH TO YOUR REALM, DEATH TO YOU ALL! " they destroyed ruler of the realm and killed all who were there. And for eons, none dared enter, not only because of the sheer power of the place, but now of the corrupt Seekers.

The peaceful home the inhabitants once knew...

Was gone.... And the corrupt Seekers harvested the magic for eons.
But one day, a powerful army of pure Seekers came. They didn't destroy them.... the corrupt Seekers had escaped.... But at least the realm was safe. The realm was cloaked, meaning that practically NOTHING could enter. The pure Seekers didn't want the corrupt ones returning to gain power, as they had left to terrorize another realm. And to this day, it's almost empty. Almost. Some say that the magic gathered there is so strong it created beings. But we can't know for sure.

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