Paying For It

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Bones impaled you for maybe the fiftieth time by now, shooting an all too familiar yet unwavering pain throughout your chest. Once again you had been killed by Sans. Once again you CONTINUED and returned to the Judgement Hall where he was waiting. Once again you stood there and stared at him, knife in hand and (E/C) eyes looking through him. You'd stopped crying a few rounds back. You only ever swung at him if he tried talking or asking questions, and your attempts were lackluster at best; you hoped Sans didn't notice, but he was beginning to see the pattern. After all, the red in your eyes was gone completely...where was Chara? Had he really been killing (Y/N)? For how long? Why?

Once again, you CONTINUED instead of RESETTING, appearing in the Judgement Hall at the Save Point, ready to get punished again and again and again forever. Forever until you felt you had payed for your sins; until you were killed painfully once for every monster you ever wronged. Receiving what they felt one hundred fold, and what better way to do so than to see that hateful look in the eyes of the monster you loved with your whole being, your whole SOUL. Sans hated you, you were sure, and you felt you deserved it.

You stood in front of the skeleton, loosely gripping the blade and refusing to look at him, as usual. Less usual, however, was how long you were standing there in complete, tense silence. By now, Sans should have impaled you a few times over, said something, summoned a Gaster Blaster at least?? But, he just stood there, his hands in his pockets, his white pinprick eyes looking over you, not in hate, but distant curiosity. He knew something was wrong, and he didn't like not knowing.


Your grip on the blade tightened. You hated when he tried to talk, because that meant you had to attack to keep him from trying to coax you into RESETTING and making everything better. You knew you'd do it if he asked too much, and you didn't want to. Not yet, at least; you weren't satisfied with your punishment yet. You would never atone, but you at least deserved to suffer.

"Kid," he called again, a tad louder. "(Y/N), look at me."

You took a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. No matter how many times you did this, the hurt of when he tried to talk to you never faded, though he hadn't used your name before. He knew Chara was long gone...but how?

Sans tried again. "I know it's you, (Y/N). I know Chara's gone. I didn't realize it until this last round, but..." He sighed and looked away, clenching his fists. "God dammit, kid...I-I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. I thought it was that demon of a child." He paused, a look of confusion coming to his face. "It explains why you don't attack me, and when you do, you put less effort into it than I would if I were fighting Paps." He swallowed at the mention of his brother, and a shiver went down your spine. "But, it doesn't explain why you won't RESET."

You took a step forward, raising the knife to attack. Sans would normally impale you immediately at the motion, but he didn't move. He only looked at you.

"Come on, (Y/N). After what's happened...I thought you'd jump at the idea to RESET and fix everything, yet here we are. Why? Don't I at least deserve to know?"

You jumped at the loud sound of clattering, taking a moment to realize that you'd dropped the blade. Warm tears ran down your face and you finally looked up to Sans. You shook your head lightly. "I can't..." A flash of panic sparked on his face, but vanished as you continued. "Not yet... Not until I've payed for what's been done..."

"You need not pay for anything," Sans said, a bit more forcefully than his personality accounted for. "This wasn't your fault, it was that little-" He stopped and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. "(Y/N)... RESET. Chara's gone, right? So just...RESET and we can be happy again...please?" He stepped forward and you instinctively stumbled back. He raised his hand. "Easy, kid. I'm not going to hurt you anymore." He knelt by you and slowly pulled you to him, kicking away the knife.

Paying For It (Classic!Sans X Genocide!Reader Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now