Finally // Yandere Reactions.

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 How would Yugi and Atem react to their darling developing Stockholm Syndrome and finally accepting them?

Yugi is going to be ecstatic! Of course, being the delusional type, he's always believed that you would one day accept his love. Sure, the last few months have been hard. Kidnapping you had been difficult, getting close to you had been even harder.

But now...he couldn't be happier.

No longer were you locked in the basement of the card shop. No more screaming and crying and begging to be let out, no more flinching when ever he touched you. Now you were at his side, cuddling Yugi as you watched TV together. He had his arm wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you close, and your head was resting on his chest.

It was perfect.

He kissed your forehead softly, pride swelling in his chest when he glimpsed your soft smile.

"Yugi?" You suddenly asked.


"Do you think...I could watch one of your duels one day? In person?"

He wasn't sure how he felt about that. Yugi hadn't let you out of the house, even when you were with him. He was too afraid that you would run away from him. Pharaoh kept saying that if he was more stern it wouldn't be a problem but Yugi hated being hard on you.

"I don't know..."

"I just want to watch you win. I know you probably think that I'd run away but I won't. I don't want to run from you anymore."

"Why?" He couldn't hide the excitement in his tone nor the hope in his eyes.

"Why would I run from my boyfriend?"

Boyfriend. You used to refuse to call him that. Yugi felt so happy that he kissed you right there and even happier when you began to kiss him back. Finally, he thought, everything was coming together like he hoped.

Yugi believed in your love as deeply as he believed in the heart of the cards...and you just might get to see his next duel.

Atem is going to be pleased.

He isn't surprised of course, like Yugi he always believed that you would accept your new life. But this belief didn't come from a delusion, rather, it came from knowledge. Atem believed in himself and his abilities, he knew it was only a matter of time before you finally settled into your place.

That time has finally come.

For the past few weeks, Atem had taken to letting you out occasionally. Normally you just stayed around your home but tonight, he had decided to do something special. You'd been so good lately and, as a reward, you took you on a walk through the park. It was late and no one was around. The night was cool and the stars were shining like diamonds in the inky sky. You were at his side, holding his arm as you walked...and you weren't restrained.

It was the first time he'd ever brought you out without restraining you. When he mentioned it, saying that he was surprised that you hadn't run away, you looked at him with a bewildered expression.

"Why would I run away? We're on a date after all."

"You used to want to."

"That was...that was when I didn't understand. And I'm sorry now."

Atem couldn't help but grin. You had become so sweet to him lately, he couldn't help but feel terribly happy. You truly were the love he had always dreamed of...he was just disappointed that he had to wait thousands of years before finding you.

Well, he'd found you now. And he would make up for lost time...starting with a moonlight walk.   

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