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Beforewe begin. I should tell you that I'm countinuing/ re-writing a storyfor someone who is no longer writing this (OtakuPotato and thanks). But do enjoy. Disclaimer I do not ownvoltron. Thankyou. Also this has keitor in this.(keith x lotor)

Ithad come to the attention of the other palidans that keith was nothis usual self. It had started after the battle on the purple moonnamed purligas. There was a galra base. This was not any base. It washaggars base. She had that base so she could create quintesance.Keith had gone in to check it out. But he'd got caught by a druid andthe galra witch, Haggar. He had gone and rushed into battle with thembut a grave mistake. Keith been zapped from them both.

Atthe time lance and the other palidins had been inside a store lookingfor some more quintesance. As they went to go back to the lions theyheared a deaftifining scream. It was keith. They rushed around thebase getting closer to his scream. Eventually seeing him being zappedby Haggar and her druid.

Haggarturned to look at them and said something. "Did you know that yourfellow palidan here is part galra." They gasped to learn this fact."The funny thing, he never knew he was galra. If he did he wouldhave began more changes." Then after that they both disapeared,leaving keith's body behind.

"KEITH!".Lance rushed over to the unconsious body of keith. Haggar's and thedruids magic still pulsing through his body. And ends up zappinglance.

"SHIRO!HELP ME!". Shiro rushed over to them, helping lance picking upkeith. "Come on lance, lets get him out of here!". Shiro saidwith a desparate tone of voice.

Thepalidins had rushed over to their lions, the black lion picking upthe unoperational red lion. Lance and the other paladins rushed Keithto the med bay, ignoring Coran and Allura asking what happened toKeith not knowing the situation. Shiro pushed Keith gentally into thehealing pod. "How long till he's wakes up?" Lance glaced over tothe other palidans thought about what Haggar said. " About oneearth day", replied Coran.


Hefelt the cold air of the castle as he fell from the pod. The room wasdark, cold in the castle. Keith had no time to realise that he wasfalling, he ended up falling into Lance and Shiro's arms. "Whathappened to me? My head hurts". Keith asked the paladins as hetried to ignore his pain. As lance and shiro tried to answer Hunk andPidge came in with tears. Suddenly they were all interupted withAllura calling everyone to the control room. Keith and the otherpaladins walked to the control room with keith unaware what was goingto happen next. "Allura we came. What do you need?". Asked Shirowith a confused tone. "Galra!", Keith felt everyone starering athim as he never knew what Haggar had said about him being galra.

Keithhad began to shake from pain, and feared why they all looked at him."KEITH!!", shouted Allura making everyone to jump. "What is itAllura?" Keith repiled with a confused and scared expression. "Didyou know you where galra?". She began to shake thinking that one ofthe paladans was galra. "No, how could I be? I grew up on earth andmy mother left me and my father. He then dies in a resuce mission andthen I became a orphan." he said with the truth. "How could Iever be galra? I....I", Keith began to shout.

"ENOUGH!!!".Allura interupted. Everyone began to get close to Allura. "Thatwitch of Zarkon. Haggar said you had galra blood causing through yourveins, so that is enough for me not to trust you." Everyone beganto look down. Shiro tried to stand up for keith but Coran stopped himand allowed Allura to talk. "Leave volron now! And never comeback!". Everyone gasped. Keith began to cry and stormed to his roomand packed his things. He rushed to the hannger, got on the closestpod then he was nowhere to be seen.

"Keith.Allura how could you say that to him? He was a paladin of voltron,just earlier today before the attack he sat and cried to me sayinghe's gald he finally found a family." Shiro shouted at Allura forwhat she just said. "Do you want to know what she said? The funnything is he never even knew he was galra. Your the one had told himhe was galra." Shiro stommed out the at hopes he could try andtrack Keith. Allura had collapsed to the ground, at what she realizedwhat she said.

Thanksfor reading I hoped you enjoyed. This is my first voltron fanfiction,and I'm not the best at writing. Ha ha. *cough *. Any how just followme on –kawaiidragon0120

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Thankyouagain, just for reading.

This is my art and I'm thinking I should recreate the cover. IDK :p

 IDK :p

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