Chaper 1: I've made a huge mess!

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Hello fellow wattpad readers and authors! I have decided to start a whole series with a very basic guide line. I'm counting this as my first story because my last one was deleted and was a jumbled mess. But this series of stories will be more organised and planned out so I know what's going on!

So, the story line is a bit weird, I know that. But I am hoping that if I write it well enough that it could just be a great book.

So I hope you enjoy this, please give me feedback and any ideas for a book cover! (I'm not trying to be fussy, but it has to be a girl facing forward towards the camera like my current cover.)


"Amelia Kristilla?" The one male of three judges announced, clearly bored. The judges had been watching ballet dancers all day doing all the same tricks and turns. But I would be different. I had created the choreography myself, so I showed individuality.

Even though it was ballet, I purposely chose an upbeat song for my audition, to shock the judges and show that I was one of a kind. I was going to be dancing to 'Beating Heart' by Ellie Goulding, because it had great background music for lots of pirouettes, one of my strengths. It didn't surprise me when I started dancing at the age of ten that Balance was my greatest skill.

Even thought I was confident about my routine, my colourful outfit, the music, all of my confidence flushed down the drain when I shakily walked on stage.

'Be perfect, point your toes at all times, you can't never forget that, what if they don't like the music?'

My mind kept wondering to the judges minds, waiting bored for the music to start.

I kept shaking, which wouldn't be a great thing at all. Why would the judges pick somebody with a shaky, scared body for the lead role in a singers music video?

'Remember to keep your legs straight and don't wave your arms to much.'

Ugh, shut up brain.

After what felt like forever the music started and I began turning and dancing in time to the music, every part correct to what I'd practiced in months.

I could feel myself thinking about how I wanted to get it over and done with, I could feel the goosebumps on my arms, I knew I looked like a hot mess. I was rushing, probably a lot faster than the music, and every hair on my body stuck up.

That's when I felt a sick sensation in the pit of my stomach. The same stupid problem that I've had ever since birth, a weak stomach, would ruin my dream forever.

While the song played, which for some reason wouldn't stop, I tried to keep it in, I tried my hardest to look normal and pretty, as if I wasn't about to be sick on stage.

But I could feel it rising. I knew this would be the end of my dancing career forever, the people running this were one of the biggest dance studios known to Australia. I'm lucky they even noticed me.

And that's when it happened, while in a ready position for a leap, I threw up all over the stage.


"It's not that bad." Kirsty said, trying to comfort me. She had a whole box of tissues and brought me a tub of ice cream, as comfort food.

"Really? They will probably warn every dance studio about how bad I danced! They are a big enough studio to do that."

She dapped tissues over my mascara-stained face, that probably looked like a clown.

"They won't, you probably danced amazing, that one little detail doesn't make you a bad dancer."

I loved Kirsty, she had always taken care of me when I needed it, and knew exactly what to say.

We currently live in a small apartment together, just until we find a job for ourselves, and sort our life out. My job was supposed to be a dancer, not even a famous dancer, just a dancer that's quite successful, but the biggest dance company in Australia, 'Illistar' screamed in my face in front of every other dancer. Even if it wouldn't have ruined my career it would still be the most embarrassing day of my life.

"They shouted me out of the room in Fury, I destroyed their thousands-of-dollars stage."

I felt horrible, and left for my bedroom, to think and sleep my day off.

I heard Kirsty sigh, and knew she thought I was overreacting. I wasn't, you would never understand how strict ballet is until you are a ballet dancer yourself.

I pushed the door forward, and plopped down on my bed, not bothering to wash off my makeup or brush out my hair that was in a tight bun. I didn't even change. I just took off my tutu and slept in my leotard.


'I was standing next to a tall man, maybe in his forties, staring at me while talking. He was saying something about a special gift, how I was 'the special one. But somehow forgotten.'

We were at the edge of a cliff at dark night, a deep Forrest behind us. I saw a brilliant, glowing moon rise, and radiate all it's light onto me, making my eyes glisten.

Soon I could feel my bones breaking, shattering, twisting and bending. It didn't take me long to realise I was transforming. But it was agonising pain, and I had no control.

I let out a huge scream for help and out of the torture that transforming myself into whatever was bringing.'

I awoke suddenly, startled as ever. What was that all about?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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