A Loving Nightmare

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Runa slowly opened her eyes, then jolted to her feet as she found that her environment had changed from when she had fallen asleep. Curiosity getting the best of her, she began exploring her surroundings. A soft, cold breeze blew, stirring a bit of snow from the ground, and the low sound of a flowing river could be heard nearby. She wasn't sure why, but a vague sense of nostalgia washed over her as she walked among the dead silver-clad trees.

As she reached the riverbank, she leaned over and peered into the dark icy water, her reflection showing that she was wearing a familiar red dress. She brushed part of her bangs from her face as her long red and black hair loosely spilled over her shoulders. Her ears twitched as she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. A masculine voice spoke up behind her.

"I knew I'd find you here."

She turned and found a young man with shoulder-length hair wearing the Dark Brotherhood's garb, a friendly smile displayed clearly on his face. Runa began walking toward him, like her body had a mind of its own. He held his gloved hand out to her, and she laid her hand in his. The man then pulled her close and grasped her other hand as they slowly began to dance.

They spinned and twirled through the snowy forest, the two moons shining brightly overhead and illuminating his warm amber eyes as he looked down into her wintry blues. A small peaceful smile appeared on her face. She felt strangely at ease like this. Like a happy memory had come to life.

"Who are you to me?" She finally spoke. Their dance stopped, but their hands remained entwined.

"You don't remember?" The man asked curiously.

Runa frowned, her ears drooping slightly. "No. I'm sorry." She looked away from him, hiding her face with her tail. He simply chuckled and turned her head to look at him, lifting her chin until their eyes met.

"Silly Kitten." He teased as he slowly leaned in, gently touching his lips to hers as his hand moved from her chin to cup her cheek. Her eyes remained locked with his as she pressed her lips tighter against his. Small tears glistened at the corners of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks, wetting his glove.

After a long moment, he pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes. Then, with one final smile, he turned and began to take his leave. Her chest clenched and her heart felt as though it skipped a beat.

"Wait!" She called out as she desperately reached out to grab his hand. But before she was able, he had disappeared and her surroundings suddenly changed. Upon first glance, she found herself in a torn down city. A roaring inferno then filled her vision, a house that had been set ablaze. Her eyes widened as a vague spark of memory flashed into her mind, then fell to her knees and let out a painful, sorrowful yell as it all faded away to darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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