New Teacher || Chapter 1

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Ah, third year of high school. It's still as boring as ever, and I still give zero fucks. Even if it was a new school and I was nervous as fuck.

What a great life I have. 

I entered the classroom early, since I was more comfortable being alone. I sat at the back, and tried to become just as invisible as I was last year. 

I took out my cellphone from the pocket of my pants. No judging allowed, I have a point. Skirts were way too short. I have my own dress code. Skirts must be at least knee length or a bit higher than that. If the skirts are too short, wear pants. I can wear whatever top I want, female or male. It's not like there's a big difference anyways... 

Soon enough, the classroom was filled with students. All of them had their own little group, except me. I was an introvert, and was uncomfortable socializing with anyone. Because of that, I try to remain unknown, or invisible for the rest of the year. 

I noticed how everyone started to quiet down and someone entered the classroom. I examined his features. He wore glasses and had brown hair, along with brown eyes. He was tall too. "Hello everyone, nice to meet you. I am your new teacher. My name is Oikawa Tooru, but please address me as Oikawa-sensei," he introduced himself, winking afterwards sending the girls crazy except for me.

The boys either clicked their tongues, nodded, or just didn't pay attention. " Now, for the first day, I would like all of you to introduce yourself. For example, I am Oikawa Tooru. I like milk bread and volleyball. My hobbies... I usually read and play volleyball in my free time. My dream for the future... I always wanted to be a volleyball player, but I found myself better suited as a teacher. Okay, starting... with you!" he pointed to a female student who wore WAY too much makeup and her skirt was WAY too short.

She boasted about how she's smart, pretty, mature, etc. But none of them seemed real. Oikawa-sensei probably noticed that but he just brushed it off and told the person sitting next to her to introduce herself.

After awhile, I was the only one left that has yet to introduce themselves. I felt uncomfortable telling people information about me besides the name, so I introduced myself like how Kakashi did. "Well, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)... my dislikes and likes... I don't feel like telling you... dreams for the future... never really thought about it. Hobbies? I have a lot of hobbies." 

Oikawa-sensei gave me the most fakest smile I have ever seen and he said, "(Y/N) (L/N), detention after school." Goddammit, I'm not invisible anymore. The girls gave me glares, which I returned with my usual blank look.

"Okay, now take out your English textbook and turn to page one..." The whole class groaned while I just did as told. 

~~time skip~~

The bell rang.

I let out a sigh of relief. Finally, I can enjoy my delicious bento in peace... I took out my bento box and sat it down on my desk. I took out my chopsticks and began eating. I let out a content sigh as I bit in. Today was pretty stressful.

Glares from girls, unwanted attention, and detention. Oh hey look that rhymed. I was enjoying my lunch in peace when suddenly, "Hey, ugly! Stay away from Oikawa-sensei!" a girly voice said. Oh no, my worst fear. Girls with blonde hair, short skirts, and a bunch of makeup on their faces. 

"What the fuck do you want? You have too much makeup on your face. You should eat some of it so you're pretty on the inside..." I mumbled that last part, but she heard it clearly. She raised her hand to hit me, but before she did, "Calm down, girls. What seems to be the matter here?" Girls? Ew. Even though I am a girl, I disliked people calling me that. 

"She told me to stay away from you and called me ugly. So I told her that she had too many makeup on her face and that she should eat some, so she's prettier on the inside. But then she raised her hand to hit me but before she did, you saved the day. Yay. Hey, that rhymed," I said unenthusiastically. He sighed before, "An extra hour of detention. And that means you, (L/N)." 

I gave him a look that said 'ME?! Why not her?!' He seemed to understand and said, "You angered her, and you shouldn't have. And it's rude for you to tell her to eat her makeup so she could be prettier inside. I'm sure she already is. The girls blushed and held his arm, sticking her tongue out to me. Why you little shi-

"And, you are wearing the boys uniform. You shouldn't, you're a girl," he said. "The skirts are too short, it's not my fault. The girls that actually wear these are either too scared to break the rules or just wanted to show off their 'oh so beautiful legs'," I said, doing the quotation marks with my fingers. 

"Another thirty minutes of detention," he said. You fucking- I managed to calm myself down and say, "Sorry." 

The girl scoffed and sat down back at her seat. 

~~time skip~~

Oikawa-sensei was preoccupied with other students, so I silently walked towards the exit of the classroom. Well, too bad.

"(Y/N)! I see you trying to escape there. Well no, you have detention. Get back here at once!" he shouted at me. Ugh. Caught. 

"Now, girls, please go home. I need to deal with her," he said. I ignored him saying that he wanted to 'deal' with me and sat down at the back. The girls gave me glares before exiting the classroom. 

Oikawa-sensei looked at me and said, "Sit here, I need to keep an eye on you." He pointed at a seat at the front. I sighed and switched seats. He smiled at me, "Good." We made eye contact for a good ten seconds before I broke it and said, "So what am I supposed to do? Read?" 

Realization hits him and he says, "You can do whatever you want, after you introduce yourself properly to me and to your classmates tomorrow." I shook my head and gave him an angered look. 

He smirked and walked over to me. "Now now, no need to get mad, it's just an introduction. Now, what are your likes and dislikes?" I refused to answer and kept my mouth shut. He walked even closer to me, invading my personal space. My face heated up a bit, but I maintained my calm posture. 

He walked even closer, and I got up and took a step back. He got closer and closer, and my back hit a wall. Oh no, it's this cliché that's used over a thousand times. My face heated up as he trapped me between his arms. 

He must have noticed my slightly red and panicked face as he chuckled and said, "You're blushing? Cute. I have an idea on what you like now." My face went back to normal. You sly motherf- 

He leaned down to whisper in my ear and I felt his hot breath tickle my ear. "Now, I know your dislikes as well, having your personal space being invaded, am I wrong?" Please someone enter the room at the wrong time- as if on cue, I heard the door being opened and Oikawa-sensei immediately backed away from me. 

"Assikawa, you forgot your bento bo-" the person said, but he didn't finish when he saw me. "Hi Iwajime!" I smiled at him. "(Y/N)? You have detention or someting?" he asked me. I nodded and pointed at Oikawa-sensei, indicating him that he was the one that gave me attention. 

He looked confused as fuck. But then, he lit up and ran over to him, calling him "IWA-CHANNN! YOU'RE A TRUE BEST FRIEND!" He tried to hug him but Hajime avoided him just in time. "What are you doing here, (Y/N)?" he asked me.

I gave him a sheepish smile and said, "I transferred here to suprise you! Wait... you said that you had some annoying friend that calls you Iwa-chan..." Realization hit me. It probably hit Oikawa-sensei too. 

Oh my god, my teacher is my cousin's annoying friend.

And he made a move on me.

What has my life come to?


Sup bruhs. Ah, new fanfic. Ah, more cringe. Ah, I hate my life. Okay, sorry. A new fanfic because I was eager to make a new one. I'll still update Like Pokémon if you're wondering. I hope you liked the chapter which was very cringeworthy. Bye, have a great day/night!

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