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When they first met, all the danger Raven associated with Terra came from her lack of control. Terra's powers were extreme and unpredictable. Seemingly, they could also be triggered by emotion. Raven understood that much without needing much actual insight from Terra herself.

Raven had always been intuitive to a degree that she could feel what those around her felt. To be able to see and recognize the emotions of others around her with pinpoint accuracy were one of Raven's powers. Terra was always volatile, but that was nothing new for a Titan. Being around heroes all the time was often exhausting for Raven partially as a result of their strong emotions. She could only last so long in a crowd before needing to spend time alone. Despite her demeanour, Raven could read her friend's emotional states like a book. Understanding them was more difficult. Feeling could only say so much and Raven couldn't read minds.

Raven had known from the beginning that Terra was fighting something back. Terra was always feeling something and rarely was it straightforward. Terra's love of her teammates was all that Raven could really make sense of. Everything else Terra felt was convoluted to the point that Raven would much rather leave Terra to talk about it when she felt it necessary. If she ever did find it necessary. Besides, all of the Titans had their confusing moments. With Terra, however, that strangeness never really stopped.

It was only really a matter of time before Terra cracked. Not only had she been tying back what she thought and felt, but she had been hiding her lack of control over her powers. Terra was heartbroken when she thought Beast Boy had told the rest of the team. In reality, they had already drawn their own conclusions. The room had been heavy with their sombre tones.

When Terra officially joined the Teen Titans, something about her had changed. Her complicated emotions from before were suddenly almost fighting each other. Guilt ate her up from the inside when she wasn't distracted or wasn't with Beast Boy. When they were together, Terra was at her happiest. Raven couldn't see the appeal. Not of Beast Boy, at least, but he made Terra's heart soar. When he left Terra would sink as though she was made of stone. Raven had never felt anything like it herself. 

When one of the Titans had strong and conflicting emotions, usually something would happen to make it obvious. None of them could hide from each other forever. Raven waited for Terra to say something, to want to talk about herself or her feelings like the rest of her team had, but Terra never did. It made Raven anxious, to watch this person whose internal climate completely betrayed how she appeared on the outside.

Terra looked harmless and happy. Happier with the second. Her joy pulled at Raven's heart when she felt it. It seemed like the Titans had warmed to Terra, but everything about her was offputting to Raven. Terra reflected the sunlight as if she drew her positivity from the time she spent outside with her team. Her hair shone when she ran past Raven, chasing Beast Boy ahead of the rest of them as they raced back to the tower after a mission. Terra looked almost out of place in the city and surrounded by grey. In the sunlight, she glowed. Her smile captured it. Raven seemed to be the only one who didn't trust Terra.

When Terra was happy it was contagious. Her smile made Raven freeze. It looked genuine and to a degree it always was. Despite that, there was always the looming knowledge that something about Terra was off. On the inside, she had no reason to be smiling. Raven had never seen her cry. 

Raven waited to say something to Terra. She waited for the opportunity to ask her about herself without startling her. Raven had scared people before when she hadn't meant to. It wasn't something she was unfamiliar with, but at the time her only real interactions with Terra had been brief and cold. When they did happen, the sinking disappointment Raven could feel from Terra would cut through her. Raven would feel awful, which she figured was hardly fair. They barely knew each other. It shouldn't be a surprise that Raven doesn't trust her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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