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Robert Downey Jr was in the hospital, waiting the news in the labor where his wife was. Emerald Nora. A nurse came in, Robert shot from his seat and rushed to the nurse.
"Well?" Robert asked. The nurse smiled.
"Congratulations! It's a healthy baby girl. Quite beautiful from any baby I have seen! She's now getting cleaned then to a crib along with the other Babys are."
Robert sighed in relief then smiled to himself. A girl. A beautiful one in fact. He really wanted to see her and hold her in his arms.
After two hours the nurse gave him the permission to see his child. He was sweating really badly, he swore his back was wet right about now.
He walked into a room full of cribs and babies in them, his eyes snapped to a crib wrote 'DOWNEY' he walked slowly to the pink crib and saw ... the most beautiful creature in the universe. He breathed shakily and found himself staring to big honeyed eyes, he has ever seen.
Light brown hair, Honey sparkled eyes and white skin. He swore he should name her snow white but then realized he should name her a name that has a beautiful meaning, beautiful as her.
"Selena Astra Downey... Long, but each has the exact same meaning to you. My little Star Dazzling."
He cooed the baby and she giggled like she understood what he just said, causing Robert to stare at her in amazent. He never saw a baby giggle because most of them just cry. He smiled and picked her up while she was busy making bubbles with her mouth. Robert kissed her chubby, Baby cheek. He had tears forming his eyes, he never even thought of having such a beautiful daughter. He just let the tears fall from his cheeks and started kissing his daughters face all over, Selena waa giggling at her fathers action.
After some hours Emerald woke up seeing her husband and ger new baby. She smiled then slept again knowing she done and now she can rest.

Two years later...

Two year old, Selena was running on her small legs and giggling while Robert was playing Zombie. Robert was making funny voices while walking slowly and limbly like a zombie and his arms on front. Selena hid inside a cabinet holding her giggles.
"Yum, Yum! Where is my meal?! Me Hungry for brains! Nom, Nom!" Robert said.
Selena was still holding her giggles but her breathing got harder and warmer. After some minutes Robert couldn't fond her.
She felt dizzy so she thought she had enough and wanted to push the canbinet but it didn't budge she tried again and again but still no luck. Tears were forming her eyes and started whimpering.
"Daddy... (hiccups) Daddy... Dada (Breathes deeply) DADA!" She started crying.
Suddenly the cabinets door was open wide. The next thing Selena knew she was pulled out of the dark place and was on the chest of her loving father, arms protectively around her and rocking back and forth and placing warm gentle circles on her back.
"Baby, you scared me. Why were you even thinking of going in there?" Robert said cooing his scared baby.
"(Sniff) Dada dada." She began to cry on his chest, her small hands clenching her fathers shirt as she began to cry.
"Shh, shh. Baby, please I hate it when I see tears in your beautiful eyes. But~ Sweety, you are a snack to go in there~" Robert sang, Selena giggled and her tears were drying off.
"Now let me see you, Honey Bear." Robert pulled Selena slightly to see her face. She was still sniffing but was now cleaning her eyes with her hand. Selena smiled at him.
"There! There's the smile that brightens up my day! I love you, Antoniette Selena Astra Downey."
"Daddy dada!"
They slept on the couch with Selena in his arms snoring softly.

Four years later...

6 year old Selena was sleeping peacefully on her bed with a bunny that Robert bought her in her arms. Then she was awoken by shouts of her parents. She flattered her eyes and rubbed them, she then looked around wondering what made her wake up.
"I saw you! Why are you doing this?!"
"Give it a rest, Robert! It was just a kiss!"
"You are my wife! Why the hell did you do that?!"
"Because you don't give a shit to me anymore!"
"I haven't?!?!"
"Yes! I have every right to be happy! Ever since I gave birth to Selena you didn't gave any attention to me at all!"
"Well, Duh! Parents have to give attention to their children more they give to each other!"
"Well I regret having her!"
Selena gasped loudly, loudly enough for Robert and Emerald to hear.
"I'll go to Maria's place and won't come back for two days." Emerald took the keys and left from the door. Robert sighed and opened Selena's door. Selena quickly ran to the closet with her bunny and hid there. Robert walked in with a knock.
"Honey Bunny? You there?" He looked around and saw the closet half open, sniffs and whimpers were coming from there. He sighed and took a sit next to the closet.
"So that just happened. Phew I want a big cup of my famous hot chocolate! You want some, kiddo? ... Honey Bunny?" Robert named her the nickname he gave her. He sighed then stood up and walked to the door.
"I'll be in the kitchen making Hot Chocolate ... I'll make one for you too, if you want one I'm there." Robert said and left with a sigh.
Selena held her cries and then emptied it, when she had enough of crying, she took her bunny and walked on her small legs to downstairs. The bunny was white and had caramel tips on the ears, legs and arms. Also was very longer than Selena herself! She walled slowly down the stairs with tears still in her eyes. Selena saw her father on the container table with two cups of hot chocolate, Robert had his hands on his face obviously tired and pissed. Selena tip-toed next to the chair her father sat on, Selena was an inch taller from Roberts knees. Quite small but cute.
"(Sniff) D-Daddy?..." Selena sniffed, Roberts head snapped to her. Roberts eyes softened by the sight of his baby, he smiled slightly.
"Hey, Honey bunny."
"Daddy, d-do yo-you wove m-me? (Hiccups)" Selena asked. Roberts eyes widened at her sudden question. With no time to waste Robert pulled his daughter, who squeaked at the sudden movement, to his embrace. Selena's bunny fell as her father pulled her into his chest and mumbled comforting words.
"Baby... of course I love! I don't what would I do without you! Lena *Her nickname* I love you more than life itself." Robert said trailing down small kisses on her hair and face. Selena kissed her fathers nose, Robert smiled and kissed her nose too. Then she saw her bunny.
"(Sniff) Bugs..."
"Eh? Lady bug? Beetles?!"
"Hehe, no ... Bugs bunny, h-he's on the f-floor." Selena pionted to the bunny on the floor.
"Oh, you named him after the bunny on looney toons?" Robert smirked abd chuckled as he took the rabbit and gave it to his little girl. Selena hummed in response while she held her bunny tightly. Robert placed Selena on the bed and he laid next to her.
"No matter what happens, little star. Never forget that I love. No matter where you are."

After the divorce papers and costume battles...

Emerald held Selena's hand. She won Selena over Robert. Robert had his suit and was staring at her. Selena was frowning, she didn't want to leave her dad or her mom. She and her mom also had adventures. That night when Emerald said she regretted having her. She was very drunk. The day after that Emerald was crying and hugging Selena that she was terribly sorry.
Robert kneeled in front of Selena and placed a necklace with a musical note on it. 🎼. It was made of gold. Robert kissed her forehead and had tears in his eyes. Selena was crying.
"I'm so sorry, little star. Please, forgive me... . Take good care of her."
"Of course I will. You go with your new wife. What was her name, Sarah?"
"Susan." Robert hissed.
"Well, have fun with your son, too. I'm sure Selena will love, Charles. He's much more of a gentleman than you. Come along sweetie, grandma and your aunts and uncles are waiting for us at the cinema."
"Okay." They walked to their black SUV car. Before Selena got in she ran to Robert and hugged him tight then left to the car. Robert didn't have time to hug back because Selena ran. Robert watched them leave until they were no where in sight.
A woman and a boy walked to Robert.
Robert turned and saw Susan and Indio. His future wife and Son.
"Hey ... Let's go, Indio." Robert said to his 10 year old son. They smiled and left. That day Selena Met Charles.
"Hello, Selena. I heard a lot about you." Charles smiled down at his new step-daughter. Selena made a small smile. She shook his hand, his hand was warm.
"You look very beautiful in person, little one." Charles whisked at her. Selena blushed. Emerald giggled at her daughters reaction.
"So, Sweetie. How do you think of him? Do you like him?" Emerald asked, sitting next to her daughter. Charles went to get ice-cream.
"He ... seems very kind, funny, handsome and I like him." Selena said. Emerald sighed in relief.
"Good. Because we'll get married and he'll be you new dad! ... if you want."
"No ... it's okay ... I like him."
"I like you too, Selena." Charles said giving her a vanilla ice-cream. Selena smiled licking her ice-cream.
"Lena. Call me Lena ... dad." Charles beamed up, he hugged Selena and gave Emerald a kiss.
"Well, let's go to our new home." Emerald said. Selena bonded with Charles very well. Emerald and Charles got married and had a son the same year, name Sammy Parr. Charles Parr. Emerald Parr. Selena Parr. Sammy Parr. Nice, Huh?

Hope you liked it! I just love RDJ aka Robert. Downey. Jr.
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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