Dean Ambrose x Unnamed Character (she)

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There weren't many things that scared her in the world. She'd practically seen it all, and at this point, nothing would surprise her. What she did find eerie and disturbing, however, was Bray Wyatt, and who could blame her? The man was sadistic and culty, able to use his silver tongue to talk his way around anything. He'd amassed an enormous following since his debut and the Wyatt Family Fireflies just proved it as such. She tried her best to avoid him at all costs, but when her boyfriend began to feud with him, he just seemed to be everywhere.

She watched Dean from her seat, the man she loved in his ring gear, his hands and wrists wrapped and his game face on. He was ready to end this feud with Bray, ready to put the madman behind him and move on. This had never been about Bray, but when he attacked Dean at Hell in a Cell, Dean's attention had been caught. It became personal, however, when Bray started bringing up Dean's past. He didn't like to talk about it, and very few people knew most if not all of his story, so Bray bringing it up and putting it out on display for the whole universe to see had really pressed his buttons.

"I can't focus with you watching me, kitten," Dean said softly. He had been throwing punches in the air and dodging invisible hits, but when he spoke to her, he had stopped to look at her, "You just look so damn pretty over there watching me."

She smiled, "I can't help but watch you, you amaze me," she replied, "I love watching you."

Dean gave her a soft smile and walked her way, offering her his hands to take. She stood and he pulled her to him and placed a chaste kiss on her lips, "How lucky am I that I get to have your pretty eyes on me all the time?" he murmured against her lips.

She giggled in return, "I'm the lucky one. I get you all to myself. I get to watch you in ways no one could ever dream of." She pressed her lips to his again and they shared a silent moment, their foreheads pressed together and their eyes locked. After a moment, she looked away as she remembered what was coming. She met his gaze again, "Are you nervous?"

He softly sighed and pulled back a little, "Nah," he said, "Are you?"

"Yes," she replied, "You can be a little eccentric and unhinged, but Bray Wyatt scares me. He's done some pretty awful things and the thought of him beating you so badly that you are taken away in an ambulance terrifies me," she confessed, "I have all the faith in the world in you, but I'm still scared."

He gave her another soft smile, "Don't you worry your pretty little head, kitten. Knowing that you believe in me gives me all the strength in the world to beat this bastard and be done with him." He kissed her forehead and then pulled her in for a hug, "I wish I could have you ringside with me," he murmured against her hair, "But we're not limited to the ring and I don't want you getting hurt."

She pulled away to look up at him, "I know. I want to be out there for you, cheering you on," she said. Suddenly, she had an idea, "What if I go on commentary?"

Dean looked slightly taken aback, "That's still dangerous, kitten. What if one of us throws the other on the commentary table?"

She shrugged, "I'm quick, I can get outta there fast if I need to. Please, Dean? Let me be out there for you."

He gave her a long look, his eyes squinted at her in thought, "Alright, whatever you want."

She smiled and place a few pecks on his lips, "But only if you promise me I won't be a distraction. I don't want to be out there if it'll make you lose focus."

"I promise. Knowing you're right there watching, cheering me on will make me focus all the better. I'm gonna win this one for both of us."

"I believe in you," she told him softly, mere inches from his lips.

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