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So there we go,the loop rolls on day after day taking and giving thy will shall be done,i told them to live it day by day but they are still  struggling.What is it for,deep down you know the answer but the reality  precedes your imagination.

Your path is dreaded,yes,isnt it written  so in the bible .i decide to let it flow.Then comes good then comes bad'why should i care god knows what he is doing,where is your  faith.

Im john ,the name i decide to give my self since am a creative  writer ..ooh lemme cut that bluff  but for now am john the son of kiki,sounds adventurous right  but you can't do nothing  about it .The sarcasm about it?Thank god you asked,i love being  alone in a lost place a lost world,a lost soul, the only adventurous thing i ever do is twist my brain and put my self in everyones shoes.
You will think am crazy coz i understand everyone the thiefs, the gods,the devil and everyone else who seems to be doing  weird  things beyond  a persons reasoning,i do them a favour by understanding their shit just like god does -only that mine theres no judgement  at the end.

Like thinking is that once you  are dead your  shit is done.

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