Seeking A Talent

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Twilight's house was a giant library, bookshelves filled with books. Twilight gave the sisters a grand tour of the house and introduced them to her dragon friend, Spike. "So the princess told me that you needed a little help with befriending ponies." Twilight said to Seeker. The little filly nodded slowly. "Don't worry. I'll help you out! When I came to Ponyville, the Princess actually sent me to make friends! I know a few ponies who have sisters in your class, so you don't have to worry!" "Do you know anypony in MY class?" Joyshine asked. Twilight looked at Seeker nervously. Then she whispered something into Joushine's ear. "Yes she does." she replied out loud. "Well, since Princess Candance and Shining Armor's wedding, the Changelings have been out of Canterlot. But a half pony-half Changeling colt has been in hiding. But Princess Celestia has recently sent him to Ponyville and he is attending your school, Joyshine.""" Joyshine said, looking a bit unnerved. "I can't imagine what he would look like?"

"I haven't seen him, personally. Nonetheless Princess Celestia gave me a detailed description."

"His mane is a bit oily and very messy, hanging in his face. It's blackened at the tips. His eyes are a different story: one is a pure, normal blue, whilst the other is a Changeling-like green, with a slender and jagged pupil. The area around this eye is a outwards-radiating black. He's always wearing a zippered hoodie with an alternating black and blue pattern. He is technically a Pegasus unicorn, but he keeps his Changeling wings under sturdy bandages..." the violet mare said, taking a greedy gulp of air after the long-winded description.

"Wow... Princess Celestia knows him pretty well, huh?" Joyshine said, scratching her head in confusion. "But how would she know so much about such a small-scale event?"

"Oh, this is no small-scale event. If this colt get extremely angry, he may just unleash his unicorn powers on all of us in his fury, and become 100% changeling!"Seeker gasped and ran toward her sister. "Please! Please, Joyshine, be careful!" "Don't worry, Seeker. I'll be fine!" Joyshine reassured her little sister.

The next day, Twilight took Seeker and Joyshine to their schools. Seeker gave Joyshine a quick hug and trotted slowly into the schoolhouse. "Wait!" Twilight told Seeker. "I won't be picking you girls up later. My friend, Fluttershy is going to. She's a yellow Pegasus, just so you know. Just tell her that I sent you." Seeker nodded. She kept on walking to the school. When she got inside, a purple Earth pony greeted her warmly. "Oh! You must be the new student, Seeker! My name is Ms. Cheerilee." she turned to the class. "Everypony, I'd like you to meet our new student from Canterlot, Seeker!" Seeker put on a tiny smile as the class stared blankly. "Will anypony volunteer to sit by Seeker?" Ms. Cheerilee asked the class of young ponies. Two fillies whispered to each other and giggled. "I'll volunteer!" said one of the fillies, raising her hoof. "Great! Thank you so much, Diamond Tiara"Meanwhile, Joyshine was attempting to fit in with her new classmates. Most of them seemed really nice! Her classes went by smoothly. Not a problem to be found. Until the last class, 8th period. She sat down, relaxing in her chair. She glanced around the classroom, taking in its feel, until she saw him.

The Changeling colt!

He fit the description Twilight had given exactly. As expected by someone of his somewhat unattractive-looking caliber, he was alone in the back corner of the room, face shadowed away from everyone. Mare and colt alike whispered into each others' ears, talking about the strange unicorn in the hoodie. He seemed saddened by the fact that people thought he was disgusting. Joyshine decided that since her mission was to make people happy, no matter how scared she was of him, she would approach him! So she picked up her stuff, and moved to a desk next to the pony. "Seems like everyone's talking about you, huh?" she said quietly. "My sister knows that feel. She hates getting picked on. I'm new here, and I'm thinking that you probably are too?" His gaze shifted upwards, meeting Joyshine's, and he nodded slightly. She held out a hoof. "My name's Joyshine. And you would be...?" He wrestled internally before smiling the tiniest bit and shaking the hoof. "Oracle," he replied. "I'm...I'm not all of you are..." he said. He looked at her fully, showing both eyes, one of which was a Changeling eye. "I know; rumor had it that someone like you was walking around town. I don't care if you're any different than the rest of us; as my mom once told me, just because we're all different doesn't mean that we aren't all equal."Seeker sat next to a pink filly with a tiara. Boy, her name was fitting!

She was whispering to a grey pony with blue glasses. They were chatting with a yellow mare with a giant bow in between them. The yellow filly motioned to Seeker. She spoke in a strong country accent. "My name's Applebloom. I see that you're new in Ponyville, and I might as well fill you in. These mares, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon." "Pretty strange names, don't ya think?" Seeker said. "That's not the half of it! It's their cutie marks, too!" Applebloom said. She looked at Seeker. "You don't have your cutie mark?" Seeker looked down in embarrassment. "No." "That's great! Neither do I! Me and my friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, started our own 'secret society' kind of thing called the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We test our talents a lot to figure out how to get our cutie mark! Wanna join?" Applebloom said enthusiastically. "I'm in!" Seeker replied.

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