Chapter 1

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Hiya guys, 

so I'm not really sure where I'm going with this and it's also the first piece I've ever written in English, but I needed a challenge and wanted to try sth new :) 

Sooo the updates probably will be really slow cos I try to doublecheck for typos as my German autocorrect changes stuff around all the time :/ 

Right, for my German followers, I might offer a little help and/or reply to their comments in German, so don't mind some bilingual conversations on the right :D 

I'm also kinda looking for an actual cover photo for this story, so if you have any ideas, feel free to offer your help, this one is only temporary haha

Enjoy (hopefully)



„You think you're better than me?" a too familar voice shouted. I hesitated before stopping in my tracks. I shouldn't. Or should I? Slowly, I turned around. „Yes," I replied. I could feel the temperature drop by at least ten degrees as Liam approached me. „Think you're being funny, Neil?" „I just answered your question, Lima." I was dead meat. „So you really think that you're better than me? Because of your fancy clothes and your fancy shoes?" „My shoes aren't fancy. My brother had them before I got them. That was like last year. Get your facts straight, Payne."

Hopefully Liam couldn't see I was literally shaking

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Hopefully Liam couldn't see I was literally shaking. I was only pretending to be cool. „Oi, Louis! The Irish boy thinks he's being funny!" This day sucked. It was only five minutes past nine, so our school day hadn't even started, yet. But still... I probably wouldn't even make it to first period!

„Harry, come on! Liam is beating up the blonde kid again!" I stopped myself from pointing out that Liam was kinda blond aswell. Dark blond. But he tried to dye his hair a while ago and you could tell it was still a bit lighter than it would normally be.

I only joined Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School three weeks ago, but most of its students hated me already. Thanks to Liam and his friends. I tripped on my way to the headmaster's office and bumped into the taller guy. At first I thought this was a funny way to meet your new best friend. Being the reason he fell flat on his face and everybody was laughing. He wasn't though. He really wasn't. I winced, trying to forget the memories about what had happened after we both fell.

Apparently he didn't like being embarassed infront of his mates. And he thought, I had tried to challenge him or something. Why would I be that stupid? Long story short... I met my new headmaster with a black eye. Not what I would call a first great impression.

I sighed when Harry and Louis – they were always together anyway – finally appeared next to Liam. At least it would be over soon. „Give me your shoes." „What? No! My brother gave me those!" I couldn't hold back a small whine, which earned me a mean chuckle from Harry. „He's so adorable. He really thinks he stands a chance." „Just leave me alone! What did I ever do to you?! You know I didn't fall on top of Liam on purpose!" „Well. But you did anyway." „You know how stupid that sounds, right? You don't even have a fucking reason to hate me! You just need somebody to pick on because it makes you feel stronger! But you're not! You're just fucking pathetic!"

" „You know how stupid that sounds, right? You don't even have a fucking reason to hate me! You just need somebody to pick on because it makes you feel stronger! But you're not! You're just fucking pathetic!"

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I lowered my gaze as Liam seemed to stare right into my soul. „What did you just say?!" he asked and grabbed my new t-shirt my mum got me for making the move so easy for her. „I said..." I took a deep breath while debating my chances of survival. „You're just fucking pathetic," I repeated my words. „You're dead, Horan," Louis laughed. „So dead," Harry echoed. „I'll tell the headmaster," I choked as Liam tightened his grip around my shirt. „No you won't. And you know why, Irish boy?" „Why?" I wheezed as my airways started to become obstructed. „Because if you do that, I'll make sure to make every day at this school a living hell for you." „Can't breathe," I choked. I could already feel the collar of my new t-shirt starting to rip.

„Speak up, Horan," laughed Tomlinson. „I ... I can't..." I coughed and put one hand on Liam's in a weak attempt of removing his hand from my t-shirt. „Take back what you said, Horan. And I'll think about it." „No... fucking... way!" I managed to say.

„Let him go, Payne!" I tried to turn my head towards the new voice, just as Harry decided to slap me right across the face. „Take it back, Horan!" I winced and could already feel my right cheek turning red. „None of your business, Malik." „Oh, but it is. You see? I tolerate your small... club here. But this is my school. And Horan happens to be a student here. And if I tell you to stop harassing him, then what will you do?" I frowned when I realised Liam was clenching his teeth. „Then what will you and your little friends do, Payne?" „I'll let him go," Liam grunted. „Marvelous. Then please do so."

I choked on fresh air when Liam suddenly released me from his grip

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I choked on fresh air when Liam suddenly released me from his grip. „You think you got lucky, Horan. But now you're on Zayn's radar. Trust me. You're dead meat." I swallowed a few times to get rid of the yucky feeling in my throat, while Liam and his friends backed off.

„Thanks," I mumbled as a dark figure moved into my visual field. „These three won't be bothering you anymore, Niall." „How do you know my name?" I asked confused. „You're the new kid. Of course I know your name." „And you're Zayn?" „What did Liam say to you before he left?" „Uhm... nothing?" I lied. „Don't you dare lie to me! I just saved your ass!" „Alright, sorry. No need to freak out or something," I sighed. „He said I shouldn't feel lucky. Because now I'm on your radar – whatever that means – and I'm dead meat. So I guess Liam, doesn't really like you?" „Doesn't really like me?" Zayn laughed. „He's scared of me. That's all." „And why?" „No reason."

I frowned while Zayn lit a cigarette. „Want one?" „No thanks." If Liam really was scared of Zayn... there had to be a reason. Somebody like Liam wasn't scared because of nothing. And if I was completely honest... His warning – or threat – really scared the shit out of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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