Intro & Part 1 🐺

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Please read! Otherwise this book might not make any sense.

I've have only written 1 chapter and I already love this book so I hope you like it too. If this book is not accurate then I am sorry but I don't know a lot about wolves/ werewolves so I am basing some stuff off of one shots I have read (mainly inspired by: @/emoeddsworld's one shot) and the rest of the laws/stuff, I am making up on my own. I'm sorry if I upset anyone by doing that. Also, this is my first book that isn't Solby, lol. Anyway, let me explain this AU world to you.

In this world, (were)wolves live among human without humans even knowing they exist. You are an omega. You moved in when Aaron moved out to live with his girlfriend so you've been living in the trap house for just over two years now. You are living in Aaron's old room. When you first moved in, you quickly learnt that all the boys in the house were alphas. Alphas are almost always boys and omegas are almost always girls. Somehow you convinced everyone that you are a beta. Alphas always want their mate to be an omega because betas are seen as weak, they are unwanted and in most cases they die alone or get married to a human or another beta. Every month you go into heat, basically like a period for a human girl except all the alphas can smell that you're an omega in heat because you give of an scent/pheromone and it seems to make them go into some sort of frenzy, trying to get you to be their mate anyway they can. You don't want just any random alpha, you want a soulmate, not just someone that you fuck. When an omega, who has an alpha/mate, goes into heat, their scent/pheromone changes so other alphas know to back off. Once an alpha has a mate, they stay loyal to that mate for the rest of their lives. Corey and Sam have omegas/mates, Devyn and Kat, so you don't need to worry about them trying to become your alpha but there are still four other alphas that live in the house that are looking of a mate/omega. Colby, Jake, Brennen and Elton. Brennen and Elton had moved in around the same time as you and made the garage into their shared bedroom. The boys are basically desperate to find an omega because for some reason, there are millions of alphas in the world but only a handful of omegas left. Omegas are getting rarer and rarer which makes you very precious and vulnerable. Luckily when you go into heat, you think ahead and plan a trip back home every month so you can lay low in you child hood bedroom until it passes. You always go a few days before you're due to go into heat so that if there were any alpha's on the plane, they wouldn't smell you. Only you and your family know you're an omega.


Y/n = Your (First) Name

Y/fn = Your Full Name

Y/b = Your Birthday

Y/hc = Your hair colour

Y/ec= Your eye colour

⚠️Warning!⚠️ This story may contain:

Bad language



(Slight) Smut

Sexual abuse/harassment

If any of theses upset/trigger you then please do not read this book. For everyone else, enjoy!


You are at the shopping centre with Colby. This was a normal thing for you two because you were quite good friends and you loved to hang out together. The only thing is, you have a massive crush on Colby and you have done since the day you moved in but you don't dare say anything in fear of ruining the great friendship you have together. "Brennen just texted and asked if we wanted to go to lunch?" Colby suggested as you two stopped walking around for a second.

"Ummm, I'm not really hungry and I need to get a few more things so you go have lunch and we'll meet back up in an hour?" You suggested because you really don't want lunch but you don't want Colby to miss out and be hungry.

"No, I'll stay with you. I don't want to leave you alone. I can eat later." Colby offered.

"Colby. Go. Eat. Anyway, I'm going to get... girly stuff." You say confidently which makes him flustered.

"Y-yeah, umm.. I-I guess I w-will eat with Brennen." He chuckled nervously before he started walking away. "See you here in an hour?" He asked as he walked away. You nod with a smile as you wave to him. He smiles and waves back before he walks off. You look around to see where you are and where you're supposed to meet up later. Right next to the toilets, lovely. You shake your head to snap yourself out of your thoughts before you walked to the shop you needed.

After almost an hour of shopping, you head back to the toilets. Colby wasn't there yet so you might as well use the toilets. You walk into one of the stalls. "Oh shit." You whisper to yourself as you felt a feeling that was all too familiar. You had just gone into heat a week early and you don't know what to do. You can't get on a plane to you parents because what if an alpha is on the plane? You can't drive there either because it's almost impossible to concentrate when you're in heat. You have no way of getting to your parents and worst of all, your only way home is Colby. Colby is going to be able to smell it straight away and so are the roommates. You panic as you try and think of something but nothing comes to mind. Maybe it's time to bite the bullet. Maybe it's finally time that you should tell them that you're an omega. Anyway, it's exhausting trying to keep it from them. You slowly walk out of the stall and over to the counter. Your knees go really wobbly when you're in heat and you struggle to walk. You splash your face with cold water before you look at yourself in the mirror and sigh. You ready yourself before you walk out of the toilets. You look around but you don't see Colby anywhere, he must be running late.

"Hey gorgeous." You heard a deep voice growl before you are pinned to the wall by some random dude. He smirks at you as he looks up and down your body. "Let me be you alpha." He growls, trying to sound sexy.

"Get off me." You whimpered as you look away, close to tears. Your body is saying yes but you mind and heart are saying no.

(This is gonna be a side line book so I'm probably gonna be posting once or maybe twice every two weeks. It depends if anyone likes or votes on it. ❤️)

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