But what is about the Christmas market?

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"Sweetheart are you sure you want to go out? I think it will start snowing soon and I don't want you to get sick. Let's just stay inside and start decorating for Christmas." He looked a me with a skeptical face.

"Ahh Hyungwonnn but I really want to visit the Christmas market!"

"How can you say you want to visit the Christmas market if your apartment still screams autumn?"

I sighed, he was right and he knew it. I put the boots back into the shelf and looked at him.

"If you want to decorate, get the box down there, no other human could reach this spot."

He laughed about his win and was on his way to get the decoration box from my closet as he turned around "Sweetheart what about hot chocolate and some Christmas music? I probably need some time to untangle the Christmas lights." He threw a judging glance over because he knew I wouldn't had stored them back properly last year, and he was right the second time.

I needed about 15 minutes to find the Christmas CD under all the other things in my drawer and as I got back into the living room I was shocked. There was a tree, in the middle of the room on the table. He was not big but it was a real tree. I looked over to Hyungwon who was fighting with the Christmas lights.

"W-Why is there a tree in my living room babe?" I asked him but he wasn't answering. I placed the drinks and the CD on the side table and went over to him. He was still focused on the lights. I took those said lights out of his hands and looked into his face. "Hyungwon, why... is there a tree... in my living room?" I was obviously confused.

He smiled at me "Baby do you like him? I thought we need a tree this Christmas so I bought one."

I was speechless, not because I wouldn't like it, it was the opposite. Every year I had just a small plastic tree and I always whined about getting a real one but those were so expensive. And now there was a real tree inside my apartment. It started already to smell like Christmas in here.

I took the box with the decoration away from the sofa and placed myself besides Hyungwon with the two cups of hot chocolate. "Let's decorate tomorrow and just cuddle up for today." I looked at him and handed him one cup. "Alright" was he whispering while he kissed my forehead. My head went up and I turned the forehead kiss into a real one, I felt his smile and opened my eyes. His beautiful brown eyes were sparkling and he pointed out of the window. "I'm right for the third time this evening." My eyes followed his and I looked out, it was really snowing, big snowflakes were landing on my windowsill. We stayed like that for some minutes.

He wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled myself on his chest. "So just cuddling this evening?" He was asking. I hummed a yes and he stood up. I glanced at him for ruining the comfy position but smiled when I saw why he got up. Hyungwon put the CD into the player and the music started, together with the smell of the tree it formed a wonderful atmosphere. I took a sip of the chocolate, it was completely cold. So I also got up and went into the kitchen to heat it up again.

From the kitchen I could hear some crackling noises from the living room and got excited.

I came back with two hot cups and Hyungwon surprised me again. He placed the tree on the floor and on the table was a cute plate with cookies and some sweets, beside it and all over the place were burning candles. I placed the cups on the table next to the cookies and dimmed the light. Hyungwon was sitting on the sofa and was waiting for me with a blanket. I cuddled myself up next to him and he hugged me. Our eyes met and I smiled. "Thank you for the tree babe and this wonderful evening, its way better than a cold walk over a Christmas market." He smiled back "I'm glad you liked my surprises." I smiled and our lips met, it was a soft and loving kiss, his arms around me got tighter.

The chocolate got cold again in the end but it was a beautiful evening!

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