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"No, please... grab my hand," he begged. The wind blew his words away. We were at the edge of the cliff.

The gray eyes I once adored lost their usual colour. His eyes turned dark. Dark with fear. Dark with pain. Dark with regret. His outstretched hand was waving frantically in my face, as if pleading me to catch it.

Grab it, grab it...

My fingers were slipping. I know my life was hanging by a thread. Strangely, I felt no fear, but only the growing pain in my chest. The sharp rocks bit into my fingers. It should have stung because bright red liquid oozed down my arms, but I felt no pain. The pain inflicted on my fingers was nothing compared to the excrutiating pain I felt now in my heart. My love for him was trampled on. His love was nothing but full of lies and pretenses. He had never once loved me. It was all a facade to achieve his aims. How foolish was I...

"Gwen, please..." Lucas held out his hand further. The desperate tone was loud and clear.

His voice made my lips trembled. I almost gave in to him. I gazed into his eyes, seeing myself reflected in there. Memories of the time we spent together flashed past my eyes. The deep and soulful kisses we shared; the warmth of his embrace; the first night we spent together... But all of these were tainted by his deceit. I bit down on my lips, tasting the coppery taste.

Pieces of rocks tumbled down beside me and rained into the bottomless pit below me. I met him with my steady gaze, carving his beautiful face into my memory.

Sensing something was off, he panicked, inching his body further out to reach me. But it was too late. My fingers loosen their grip.

Having confirmed his worst fear, he rasped out,"No! Gwen!"

Cold wind bit my face. My hair slashed against my face. I was falling, falling fast. The dark abyss consumed me. I never want to see him again. But the nagging feeling in my heart told me otherwise. We would be meeting soon...

The man on the edge of the cliff roared out in agony over the loss of his beloved one. His face was contorted in pain. Tears streaked down his cheeks.

"Why... Gwen...?" He choked out before pulling out the dagger from his waistband.

"Goodbye, my love..." those were the last words before he plunged the dagger into his heart.

Silence once again descended upon the night. The red sickle moon revealed itself from behind the misty clouds, casting an eerie glow on the cliff. Out of nowhere, an owl flew over to the man and circled twice before disappearing into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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