Ch 1 - Stare Down

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I don't want to give a full image to off on what the characters look like because I want to give an idea to those who do want a picture and those who don't really want one, so the pictures of the characters and other pictures will be like this!
Hope you enjoy reading!
Alara's POV

Second Year of Uni and everything is!

I honestly don't know why I want to keep my parents and everyone around me happy, I'm the only child in my family, just my dad, mum and I, though I don't live with them any more, not that I don't love them or they don't love me, it's a bit complicated to explain, even to myself.

Currently I'm studying English Lit & Language as well as a multilingual course, honestly it's pretty fun in most projects and assignments, but the rest I guess, is the naturally annoying part of school.

But thankfully those bits aren't as bad as I have my best friend with me in both of my classes.

Introducing Emily Imani, half African girl who loves her clothes and all the pastels that you could find in a kindergartener's chalk container, still, she's an awesome friend. But one thing she really hates and what I love her most for is people who are hell on Earth, let me tell you, she can kick butt, and they never see it coming!

Well, I'm getting somewhat off topic with this introduction, so I better wrap this up quickly, because the bell is going to go off in less than a minute, which means if I don't run now I am going to be so late!

As I stumble slightly to the door, I collide with a giant brick wall, considering we don't have brick walls right before a door, or in the middle of the hallway in probably one of the most awkward positions, I'd say that isn't a brick wall.

The person grunts as I pull back, I may have ran into him or her with a lot of force. My lips start to straighten as I await the worst of possibilities, from a years experience, Emily and I have gathered that a lot people do not like us in this university, we really have no clue why, I think it's me they have the problem with really.

I'm honestly hoping it's not a jock or a heavy weight champion. Why would one of those be here at this time, in front of this classroom anyway?!

I'm getting off topic again, one of my many weaknesses.

As I come back into reality I'm met with a stern face, somewhat cute or maybe handsome but stern. He is currently staring at me, no reaction apart from the grunt, he just keeps staring down on me, and I'm staring back, it's almost like a staring competition, like Emily and I have when we are really bored.

But as soon as I go to look away, say sorry and actually get in the classroom before the attendance is over, there is a tap on my left shoulder.

"Ms.Potens, Ms.Potens! Emily Potens!", I turn to see Ms.Jaenet, my English Lit teacher, and 99% of the class staring at me.

I glance back to see no one standing in front of me trying to compete with me in a very awkward staring competition.

"Would you like to sit down before you get a strike on your first day back AND get discredited?", Ms.Jaenet smiles, and I can tell you it isn't a nice one. I commit to the walk of shame as I drag myself to sit next to Emily, who for once actually got to class on time, and before me!

"What happened?"

"Ran into a brick wall of a person, then had a totally not awkward staring competition"

"Yeah I did hear a thump or something earlier, almost sounded like a earthquake nearby", Emily giggles.

"Shut up, at least I didn't fall in mud like you did", I slap her arm, and trying not to laugh.

"Anything you'd like to share Ms.Potens?"

"Ah no Ms.Jaenet"

"Then please don't interrupt"

I lower my head and nod, as the rest of the class turns their attention back to the teacher.

My heart is currently beating really fast, and i'm sweating like a mad dog, though I think i'm just hallucinating at this point.

I feel another hand on my shoulder,"Sorry", Emily tries to give a comforting smile.

I smile back, I can't be angry at her for something like that.

~Break Period~

"Multilingual next, what's the bet we'll start off with an assignment on the first day like last year?", Emily says between bites, as we walk to the canteen.

"Well they don't call school, hell, for nothing"

"So true"

"Where are we going to sit?", she elbows my arm,"remember the resolution we made~"

"How many years ago was that though?"

"3, but we can still make it this year, plus this is P-A-R-T-A-Y year!"

"And when did WE declare that it was party year?"

"Just now", Emily starts laughing, so much that even I start to join in, this is one of the reasons she is my best friend.

"But seriously where are we sitting, because these seats are being sat on, quite quickly", She turns to me with a questioning face.


So~ this is basically like an introduction to the whole story, I really want to get into it myself, because before I did publish this chapter I started writing the next one and thinking up new ideas!

But anyway I hope to write to you all soon, no matter how small of a group of readers or how big, THANK YOU!!!

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