Jenna's Story

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Fourteen Years Earlier 

"Damn. It doesn't get any better than this." 

The hot August sun beat down on the beach while a light breeze blew across the lake, rippling the water as sparkles of sunlight danced on the surface. Wade sat on the tailgate of his rusty Ford pickup with his best friend Galen, watching the party around them, wondering if his life could get any better than it was at that moment. Two dozen teenagers mingled around the truck as the beer flowed freely, some swimming to cool off from the heat of the day, others chatting and horsing around. 

"What do you think of that one?" Galen asked. He pointed to a tall blond in a loudly patterned bikini who was standing off to the left. She turned as if sensing she was being watched and smiled a knowing smile as she kept up the conversation with the two girls standing next to her.  

"Kathy Grigsby? Didn't you date her last year?" Wade shook his head at his friend. 

"Yeah, I did. Like to hit that again, though. Real nice." 

Wade laughed. "What about all that talk about saving yourself for all those college girls?"  

Galen huffed, "Doesn't mean I can't have a warm-up match, does it?" 

"No. Just be careful. I heard Steve McIntosh was with her now. He's not one to tangle with." Wade turned around and pulled another bottle of Coors from the cooler behind him and twisted off the cap. Taking a long drink, he looked over the bottle towards the lake and froze. 

She came out of the lake on the beach in front of him. Water ran in rivulets down her tanned skin as she walked towards him, the drops shining on her skin like diamonds. Her full breasts filled her swimsuit top and her tight ass dared to peak out of her snow white bikini bottoms as she bent to pick up a towel. 

It was Venus Rising from the Sea. 

"Damn. Who is that?" Galen's head snapped away from the blond and followed Wade's gesture to the girl on the beach.  

"Who? Jenna? Come on, Dawson. Jenna Brandon? Coach's daughter?" 

"Jenna Brandon? No shit?" He took a slow drink as he admired Jenna's curves. "She never looked like that before." 

Galen shook his head, "No she didn't and I'm not going to raise Coach's wrath by going for her either. It's looksies, no feelsies with her." 

Wade took his last drink of beer and threw the empty into the trash with the others. He put out his hand, "Gimme some gum." 

"What do you need that for?" Galen asked as he rummaged through his shorts pockets for the pack he always carried. He handed a stick to Wade. 

"I'm going to talk to her, that's what." Wade stuffed the gum in his mouth and chewed furiously before he jumped off the back of the truck and ran his fingers through his hair to smooth it down. He'd let it grow longer that summer.  

"Your funeral man. But then you're heading off to Manhattan so what have you got to lose?"  

Wade smiled that smile that always got him laid and smacked Galen on the upper arm. "Absolutely nothing." Turning to the beach, he covered the distance between his truck and Jenna. 

"Hey Jenna," he said as he approached.  

Jenna looked up and was startled for a moment. "Oh! Hey Wade." 

"Having a good time today?" 

"So far. The water sure feels good. It must be close to a hundred out here." He noticed she gripped the towel like a lifeline.  

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