I'm gonna take that mountain

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      As the group headed out mama came running out with sandwiches. Everyone thanked her and headed into Pake's truck. The truck made a load creaking sound on each turn.  After a while Reba got frustrated with it.
"Pake stopped the car so we can see with us making that horrible noise." Reba said.
They pulled over and all the girls exited the car. Just as they were about to give up a man pulled up.
"Do you girls need any help?" He asked
"No." they all responded
The man continued to asked and they continued to say no.  The man then grabbed Susie and dragged her into his car. The other girls tried to grab her but the man had a gun. Pake heard this and jumped out of the car to see what the commotion was.  But it was too late the man had taken Susie and started to drive off.
      "What are we going to do?" Asked Reba " There must be someway we can help her."
They all stood thinking. After a minute had gone by Alice started to speak.
"What if this is related to the note?" She asked
"Don't be silly!" Answered Reba and Pake. They decided that they better get home and tell mama what happened. She was crying and yelling. She told them they needed to get some sleep and they would all go out and find Susie in the morning.

Reba the survivorWhere stories live. Discover now