What brought me to you

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"The last episode of 'I had always loved you' just went on-air last night! did you watch it?" I asked. "What? last night? are you sure? I thought it will be aired today" Sheila said. "No! it was aired last night and it was amazing, Shinohara-kun was so dazzled by-" before I could finish my sentence, Sheila covered my mouth. "NO SPOILERS YURIE!" She angrily said. We both laughed as we walk our way to school.

Sheila was my childhood best friend, she's always by my side whenever-whenever. We both love Anime, reading books and stationaries especially whenever we study. We also have many similarities and differences but we fit-in with each other the best. She have a boyfriend while I don't because I never considered it as a part of my life plan, I don't want anything to do with love, it's just another fiction, people become happy because of it then a little while after they'll cry about it. It's just so annoying, and it's a complete waste of time and effort, it will only get in the way of me and my anime.

We arrived at school quite early this time, she dozed it off by sleeping. Knowing me, I walked around school. Upon walking, I heard a very smooth and calming tune of a guitar, playing one of those famous MTV OPM songs. I was distracted by how good it is being played. "Who could be playing that?" I asked myself. Curious, I hurriedly followed the sound, until it goes louder and louder until it brought me infront of the music room.

Before I enter the room, I went to the bathroom beside the music room and looked at myself in the mirror, nothing special really, just a girl standing infront of a really huge mirror wearing white polo with a red bow tie under a black and white varsity jacket, black clothed gloves in both hands, navy blue knee-length skirt, black below-knee socks and Dr.Martens black boots topped with a ponytail with a red ribbon, side bangs almost covering my right eye, and a cherry flavoured liptint. Just an average anime-lover girl. "Act normal and you'll find a new friend" I said to myself. I left the bathroom and proceeded to the music room doorsteps, I took a deep breathe and opened the door.

The first thing I saw was a guy playing his acoustic guitar with a warm smile plastered in his face, unknowingly strumming the guitar strings as if he didn't hear the sound of the door creaked when I opened it. The wind blew a warm breeze as trees danced in the field, telling me to approach the guy, my heart started to beat fast and I became nervous. "Why am I being nervous? He's just playing a guitar, how did that make you nervous?" I asked myself. The guy then stopped playing and averted his attention to me, I acted cool then started the conversation smoothly.

"He-hey, you play g-good" I said as I stuttered
"ohhh, really? thanks" He said
"So, guitar, doesn't your fingers hurt whenever you strum it?" again I asked another stupid question
"Hmmm, not really, I've gotten used to it, in Saudi they'll make you strum quickly while your fingers held onto the strings" He said, but he is now smiling, it made my heart race which made me feel even more nervous.
"Saudi? you're from Saudi?" suprisingly, I asked
"Well yes, didn't they announce it?" I was fascinated for no good reason which made me sit a few meters away fron him, to ensure distance and space of course.
"Cool! I wanted to go there! Was it super hot in there? like super? Do you ride Camels in there instead of horses? Do you wear long-sleeved dresses as well? Do women have does red circles in their heads like the ones on TV?" my eyes literally grew big and it was filled with amusement.
He started laughing at me, but I didn't feel the vibe to laugh, I just stared at him and felt warmth at the same time the need to smile so I did.
"Why are you so far from me? do you think I'm going to eat you? Come closer" He said urging me to sit beside him. I stood up and sat beside him and wr continued our little conversation inside that music room.

It felt warm and cozy. Like the summer breeze in a wide forest. The light is so warm, the wind is so calm and the atmosphere really takes you, just like cafe filled with books and white christmas lights, just filling in the vibe. This all felt weird to me but also felt good, I don't know why. I shrugged it off and ignored it. "Oh right, I didn't get your name, what's your name?" I asked. "Adrian Mercer, what about you? name please" he asked, I ushered him to wait, I wrote his name in my palm just to make sure I won't forget then when I was about to say my name, the school bell rung. Classes will be starting, we both looked at each other with big panicked eyes. We ran downstairs as fast as we can so that we could reach the main building without being told as late. "I have to go to the faculty room, they'll tell me which class I'm in" He said, panting. "Then we'll have to go separate ways, you should head over to the Annex building, I'll be in the Main. See you around" before I continue running, he held my jacket and asked me my name. "Seriously? right know? when we're about to be recorded as late?" I asked. "Just tell me, you're the first friend I just got in this school, not just in this school, in the Philippines" He said. My heart began throbbing once again, I looked down to hide my heating face. I grabbed his arm and write my name "Yurie Sanchez, don't forget!" I said. I didn't let him speak and just ran to the main building, leaving him in the hallway that connects the Annex and the Main.

While running, I felt my heart still throbbing, my face is flaming hot, my hands are shaking, I became completely annoyed. A little while after, I got to my classroom, Class 3-S1, before I entered, I still felt the same feeling, "Quit it! Why are you still nervous? Asthma attack maybe?" I asked myself in an irritating way. I grabbed the door knob and twisted it, "I can't help it, I just feel like being happy" I said to myself. I opened the door and just a glimpse of myself, I was smiling. I don't know why. "Yurie Sanchez, first day of school and you are late young lady, as punishment you will clean the school rooftop starting next week Monday. Now then, you are assigned to seat at the backrow next to the window, please proceed" our homeroom teacher said pointing at the seat beside the window.

After I seated, the teacher introduced a boy to us, referred as a new student from abroad, Adrian Mercer. He shot me a smile which made my heart beat super fast. He was seated beside Sheila in the front row, I could see him perfectly from my seat. My heart felt like it's going to explode, I ignored it, thinking it might be one of my asthma attacks again, so I drank water.

Recess time, he made a lot of friends though. I can tell why, he is cute, not too tall not too short, talented, smart and charming. "He is pretty dazzling to me though, he has this charisma in which you will be drawn by those pretty eyes of him, don't you think?" Sheila said while we were eating. "Hmmm, fair enough, he's just a dude, nothing special, and what do you mean by dazzling and charisma and so-on-and-so-forth, I don't see it, he looks like another one of the boys in this world" I said sarcastically. "Oh come on, you can't even appreciate and understand beauty? What a bummer" "What do you mean 'what a bummer'?" "You are one smart and beautiful girl, yet you can't appreciate beauty itself? what is all that knowledge and looks for Yurie?" "For my future jobs to accept me, what else is it supposed to be for?" "And the fact that you're like a lesbian puts the cherry on top of you being a 'bummer'" "what? I am not" "If you aren't a slightly bit of lesbian, hoe come you hate skirts and dresses so much. You always wear pants, oversized shirts and sweaters. And the fact that if you are going to wear a single thing that is girly, you'll add something boyish to it! like wearing a dress then you'll wear a jacket which says 'obey this boy'" She annoyingly said.

While talking to Sheila, a familiar tune filled our classroom. Everybody became silent andlistened to the tune as well. The same MTV OPM song, I looked at the teacher's table and saw him, Adrian, sitting at the table, playing his acoustic guitars with a group of boys surrounding him, singing and clapping their hands making sure it was on the right beat. I couldn't focus on my food nor on our conversation, I was just staring at him. Him, who's strumming to the rhythm of the song, strumming my heart away from reality, and into his music. As the song comes to an end, I saw him smiling once again. That warm smile. My heart starts beating again, my face feels so hot. "Hey, hey! Yurie! Are you alright? your face is hot and red! Do you have a fever?" Sheila asked. I came to my senses and starred at Sheila "What?" "Are you sick? you feel so hot and your face if red" "oh maybe asthma attacks, but I'm fine" I reassured her. "Don't you want to go see the nurse?" "Nope, no need"

I looked at him and caught him looking at me. I was suprised and so I looked outside the window, to the grassy field, to the blue sky. He started to play another song again, I rest my forehead to the window pane and asked myself. "What is this feeling? I don't think it's asthma attacks, I think it's more than that. What is it? It feels. Warm" And so I closed my eyes and smiled, the warmest smile I can wear in my face, as he plays another song, tenderly caressing my chest in ease.

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