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Third p.o.v

One day Izuku Midoriya was walking home from school and a villain named Swapper came out and attacked him what Izuku didn't know was that their quirk was to switch your gender so as they were  fighting a red light came out of her body and hit deku   " hope you love your new body" she said as she disappeared Izuku was wondering what she meant by new body so he put it off and walked home when he got home he said hey to his mom and went to his room to do his homework when he was done he was feeling some weight on his chest so he went to the bathroom only to see he face change,his chest have grown boobs now and his body got a little curvy and his hair got longer he ran down the stairs to his mom who was sitting on the couch watching TV and truned around to see that her son was a girl now and she was a mumbling mess. "Izuku dear calm down please tell me what happened" she said trying to calm down her new daughter down " I was walking home from school and then I got acttked by a villain and this light came out of her body I came home and then this happened" she said trying not to cry her mom got up and hugged her " everthings going to be ok. I always wanted a girl anyways". That day they went shopping and got a few things for Izuku to wear for school tomorrow. She took a shower and was now sitting on her bed thing about how she would tell her friends "Iida,Uraraka,kacchan,Todo-wait kacchan! how will I tell him he might think I'm faking my life is over" she said as she falls face first into her pillow and fell asleep later.

The Next Day Izuku p.o.v

I didn't want to get out of bed,but I had to so I got up got dress and did hair and brushed my teeth ate and left as I was walking I saw ash blonde spiky hair going down the street so I ran up to him."hey k-kacchan" I said he turned around and looked at me " are you fucking lost are something and do I know" he said so he doesn't recognizes me she thought "it's me kacchan" I said he just looked at me like I was crazy "tell me something only the real deku male deku would know." He said I thought for a little while and thought of something " if I am the real Izuku which I am I would know when we were little you brought a whole bottle of whisky and got drunk and kissed me" I said as he looked at me in disbelief I still remember that " yup your the real shitty deku and don't tell anyone about that. What the fuck happened to you." He said as we walked to school  I told him what happened when we got to class I got a lot of cat calls " yo bakubro who's the fine girl standing next to you." Kirishima asked with his signer toothy grin "this is not a girl this is Izu-Deku" kacchan said he almost called me Izuku they all looked at him then me Uraraka raised her hand " if your the real deku-kun then something you did for me" she asked me "I save you from the zero pointer when you broke your
ankle." I said and she came running at me and hugged me "you are the real deku-kun so what happened to you" she asked me I told her and everyone else and the rest of the day went by fast it was now lunch and we were eating and kacchan is on my right  and Uraraka and Iida are in front of me "so do you know how long its going to last" she asked me I told her no " I might ask recovery girl when it wears off" I told her then Iida asked me if I wanted to go to the fair I said I would love to lunch ended we went back to class finished our work and left kacchan asked me to hang out with him I told him yes so we went to his house and he kissed me and asked me out and I hugged him and kissed him so now we're dating. I went home took a shower and went to sleep.

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