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Roxy was out at a bar for the first time in what she was sure was years. Michelle had convinced her to go out, have a few drinks and shoot some pool. She had begged and begged for weeks until she finally caved. Little did she know that it would be her best decision in a very long time.

They were both two drinks down and having fun when they hustled a couple of guys in a game of pool, winning their right to the table. Michelle went to the bar to get them another round while Roxy set up the table for the next game. As she lined up the balls, she caught a glimpse of a man standing at a nearby table with a couple of friends. He was looking right at her. It wasn't a menacing or perverted kind of stare, but rather intriguing. The kind of look that made your cheeks turn pink. When she caught his eye he gave her a quick almost shy smile before turning back to his friends.

Michelle came back and handed Roxy her drink, before clinking her glass against it. "Here's to new beginnings" she said before taking a sip.

"Amen to that" Roxy replied as she followed suit.

As the two women began their game Roxy found herself, every now and then, looking over at the mysterious stranger. He was Caucasian, around 5 foot 10 and had an athletic build, from what she could tell. His head was closely shaved and he had a short stubbly beard. She thought he was rather attractive, especially when he smiled. He was definitely the kind of guy she would go for, if she had the courage to talk to guys that is.

Roxy lined up her next shot and sunk her third ball. Immediately after that, she sunk her fourth and fifth, before missing her next shot. She shared a celebratory high five with Michelle, and as she looked up she saw the mysterious man watching her, a little in awe of her skills. He gave her a little nod as if to say 'well played' and she smiled back shyly before focusing her attention back to the game.

Michelle took her next shot, sinking a couple of balls to even up the table. She wandered over to Roxy and whispered to her "Who's the hottie?" making her friend giggle in response. "He keeps looking over at you girl... go talk to him!"

"Shhh. Keep your voice down" Roxy chuckled. "I can't... I'm way too nervous. I can't even remember the last time I talked to a guy" She said as she laughed off her friend's suggestion and continued to play their game, sinking her final balls until she was on the black.

"Woah... calm down there pool shark" Michelle laughed. "Psssstt... he's checking you out again".

As she lined up her final shot she glanced over her shoulder to find him watching her intently. A blush crept over her face and she gave him another shy smile before focusing her attention on the game. Carefully she lined up her shot before taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly as she gently tapped the white ball into the black, sinking it to win the game.

She let out a small cheer and was rewarded with a quick hug from Michelle. "Great game girl" she said. "Don't freak out but your man is coming over here" she whispered as she quickly let her go and took a few steps back to let her do her thing, hoping she wouldn't choke completely. But knowing how shy and nervous Roxy would get around guys, she didn't get her hopes up too high.

"Oh shit" she cursed before quickly straightening out her top and adjusting her hair a little. She began to place the balls back on the table for another game, pretending like she didn't know he was approaching. A deep gravelly voice with an English accent spoke from behind her, "Mind if I play you next?"

Roxy turned to see this gorgeous man standing in front of her, a small smile gracing his face, his hazel eyes looking deeply into her blue ones. She was so nervous that she couldn't get any words out, all she could do was smile at him.

Michelle took the opportunity to help her friend out. "She's all yours" she smiled. "I'm gonna go get another drink Rox, you want one?"

"I'm good thanks Mich" she smiled as she looked at her friend as if to say thanks for the rescue, before turning back to the handsome stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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