The Forest's Melody

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The moon shined brightly, the wind was blowing hardly. I heard a song bearly audible coming from somewhere far. I walked further trying to reach the song I could hear minutes ago. I headed towards the trees and heard it closer, deep into the forest. A song that touched my skin slowly, dancing with my face and my ears. I could hardly notice where I was standing or where the melody was taking me, somewhere far from civilization, far from my home, far from all those problems I had to deal with; everything, everything was long gone, somewhere I could not reach anymore. The music seemed so much closer than it was before; I could almost touch it. The melody came from a piano; the way it sounded was so relaxing I was longing to meet the one who played such an amazing tune, someone who could really touch your heart and tell you it's okay to be so afraid of loosing everything. I could see a light, not so far from where I was standing. I reached for the light and sped up the pace of my steps, and there I saw her, a fine girl that caught my eye. The way she handled the piano was very different from what I had seen before, it was so touching, so beauteous. She moved me from the inside, it almost made tears stream down my face. I will not forget that summer; that summer when I realized what living really was. That summer when I discovered something incredible.

After staring and listening silently at the girl's playing, I simply applauded; I could not do anything else or say anything, because then, I would break down and would not stop crying, like I did when I got home. The girl looked at me with sorrow; she knew I was about to cry. She told me she knew that people get hurt and that they hurt others; she said that her reason for playing was to help them recover from their injuries, and that she played giving the songs her heart for them to reach those people. I knew then she was special. I was shocked by her knowing exactly how I felt back then. I looked at her starting to feel a little embarassed by that, and told her I had to go. She looked at me with those piercing green eyes she had, and smiled faintly at me. I went back home that summer night waiting for fate to cross our paths again, but it never did; I never saw that beautiful smile nor heard that beautiful melody within that forest again.

That summer night when I fell in love with a player, a beautiful player.

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