Dr. Jorge Carrasco - Tips for Travelling to Cancun for Dental Care

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Tips for Travelling to Cancun for Dental Care by Dr. Jorge Carrasco

Are you planning to travel to Cancun, Mexico for dental care?  Dr. Jorge Carrasco, a Cancun dentist with the Dayo Dental Network, advises that you plan ahead to avoid hassles that cost you extra money, time, or even malpractice.

Here are Doctor Carrasco’s top 5 tips:

1. Get an X-ray pre-evaluation

Send your most recent full mouth X-rays to your Cancun dentist.  Obtain a pre-clinical evaluation.  

If you are travelling all the way to Cancun for dentistry, the dentist should at least take the time to view your case and provide initial recommendations.  If he doesn’t even take the time to look at the X-rays, he might not treat you with the proper attention and respect when you arrive at his dental office.  

Although X-ray pre-evaluations are not a substitute for clinical evaluation, they allow you to get an estimate of the total dental cost.  This gives you an idea on how much money you need to bring to Cancun.

Likewise, if the dentist’s recommendations are completely off from what was recommended to you by your local dentist, then it’s a red flag that this dentist might not be qualified to do the work you need.

Dr. Carrasco prefers to get X-rays before you travel to his facility.  Not only does this avoid surprises for you, but it also helps him prepare the materials and resources he needs to have ready before you arrive at the clinic in Cancun, Mexico.

To start, ask your local dentist for a digital copy of your Panoramic X Rays. Email the X-rays to Dr. Carrasco or Dayo Dental.  Wait for the response and make an informed decision.

2. Allow time to think about the recommendations

If you are getting extensive cosmetic dentistry or multiple extractions and dentures, the dentist might give you several dental options to choose from.

For major dental work, allow at least the rest of the day or one evening to think about the recommendations before you begin the work.

Dr. Carrasco gives you a consultation early during the day, and he allows you the rest of the day or the night to think about your options.  He wants you to be as comfortable as possible with his recommendations.  He would even be willing to spend more than two hours during your consultation to thoroughly answer your questions and help you understand all the steps for your dental work.

3. Walk away if you sense something is off

Just because you travelled all the way from Chicago or Alberta, you have to stick with your plan to get dental work with the particular dentist you chose.

If something seems off during the consultation, such as the clinic looks bad or the treatment plan recommendation seems off, walk away.

Don’t take your chances on a dentist that gives you a bad gut feeling.  According to Dr. Jorge Carrasco, your willingness to walk away can save you thousands of dollars of rework and the avoiding malpractice issues.

4. Have a backup Cancun dentist

Of course, if you have to walk away, it’s always good to have a backup dentist in Cancun to perform your work.  In this way, you won’t have to waste your dental trip to Cancun in case you decided that your first chosen dental practice is not ideal.

“Sometimes, you can do all the research you want online, but you can have a totally different experience when you are sitting at the doctor’s dental chair during the consultation process,” according to Dr. Jorge Carrasco from Dentcare Cancun.

5. Schedule with a specific dentist, not a dental facility.

Know exactly which dentist you will see.  Choose a dentist, not a dental facility.

You want to screen and choose a specific dentist that is qualified to do the work you are need.  You don’t want just any newbie to work on your crowns and dental bridges.  You also want a specialist to install your dental implants.

It’s very common that you show up in a dental practice with good reviews online and then you get a new and inexperienced Cancun dentist working on your case.

Many patients, mostly Dayo Dental patients, seek the services of Dr. Carrasco for cosmetic dentistry, dental implant surgery, and full mouth replacement using permanent hybrid teeth and implants.

To learn more about Dr. Jorge Carrasco and Dentcare in Cancun, Mexico, visit his credentials at Dayo Dental.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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