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Her face. It was shielded by the mask she bore over the bottom half of her features. Yet the area it didn't cover nor the hair on her head covered was horrendous. The large scars cascading down into theask could only make her opponents shiver in fear. The way her clouded eye looked out without a single emotion behind it. Hisoka the Ace looking male was intrigued by the female as she stepped out into the group awaiting their order. Her number sheet strapped at her hip side beside an array of needles and one dagger. The strap on her thigh held the highly sharp needles to her body.

"Please welcome the Death Stalker!  Crazy bitch!! " someone called out. her blind eye snapped in his direction. The male wasnt too tall but held a muscular build to his body. Her eye scanned over him as if she could truly see through it. The male made a face knowing too well she couldn't. The gas chambers hanging off her mask opened and an exhale was heard as she stared down at the man. His features slowly decreased in its smugness and the skin tightened around his skull. He fell screaming bloody marry as the flesh decayed into nothingness and fell from his face. Her eye returned to its blank state as she stared out past him.

"My name.  Is Mortalitias. " Her eye turned along with her head as she looked to the crowd behind her. The white clouded over orb stared through them all as she stood there unmoving. Even though the male beside her was dying and turning into a corpse she remained calm. As if nothing was happening.

"Call me nothing else but my name. '

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