The Answer

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"Do you love me Red?" I asked with a lump in my throat. He looked at me with a shocked look in his eyes.


He... likes m-e, omg he likes me. "i-uh-Classic...I-" I got cut off as Boss burst through the door, " RED WHERE ARE YOU" Boss yelled. "Uhh.. hi Boss do you need anything", I asked "YES WHY AREN'T YOU AT YOUR POST'' he screamed. I looked at him with confusion "uh... Boss, it's m-y" I was so confused what did he mean he did say yesterday that I had a day off today. " WELL I DONT CARE GET BACK TO WORK YOU FUCKING IDIOT'' he said as he walked out the door. I got up to leave and looked back at Classic, his white pupils were gone. " Classic are you okay" I ran over to him with a worried look, he didn't answer, "Classic plea-", "RED GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW", I was cut off. I left to go to my station, I felt so much guilt " haha you're getting soft Red" I said to myself. I just hope Classic is okay.


I watched as he walked out of the room, tears started to fill my eyes. I knew it he didn't love me, I'm so stupid, it's going to be so awkward now. I hope he doesn't hate me, thoughts filled my mind, I'm going for a walk.


I need to get home quickly to check if Classic's okay. Red teleported home to find that Classic is gone, he panicked. Where is he oh god please be okay, be okay, be okay. He probably just went for a walk right... just a walk. Hahaha, he's dead and it's all my fault. " SANS WHERE THE HELL IS MY PET" Fell screamed. " I don't know... bo-ss I ..c an go fi-nd h-im for... yo-u" I asked, hoping that I will be able to. "YE- ACTUALLY I'LL GO FIND HIM, AFTER ALL, YOU ARE PROBABLY THE FUCKING REASON WHY HE LEFT" he yelled. " yes bo-s...s" I whimpered.


Ugh, where am I, shit I fell asleep, Red's probably going to get in trouble because he was the last one that saw me. " THERE YOU ARE PET" I heard a scream behind me, is that Papy.


Classic was picked up by Fell Pap and taken back to the house. Red was in his room pacing around waiting for them to come back more worried than a mother who lost her child. 'Creak' the front door opened, Red stopped in his tracks.


That's them right, please be them. I teleport to the living room to see who it was, I saw Boss holding a limp skeleton in his arm. " Boss! Your finally back, Fuck me why the hell did you take so long, is that Classic?"I asked with concern, "YES IT IS AND DON'T FUCKING TALK TO ME LIKE THAT, HE IS ALSO SICK, HE SLEPT IN THE SNOW, AND YOU ARE GOING TO LOOK AFTER HIM" Fell Pap screamed. "Yes Bo-ss", I grabbed Classic and teleported to my room and put him on my bed. Tears started to roll down my skull, it's all my fault, he's sick because of me. "RED COME AND GET THIS MEDICINE FOR MY PET" fell pap yelled. "Coming B-oss! fuck me can you stop yelling for one minute god".Once I medicine I woke Classic up and told him to take the medicine, he took it and then turned his back to me and went back to sleep. "Uhh you're asleep, right? Well I hope you are, so to uhh that question that you asked before I uhh like you too, haha *cough*, I'm gonna go now, holla if ya need anything ''I explained. 

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