STARE: the eyes are the windows to the soul..

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Thunder crashed and lightening flashed, the sky was darkened by the terrible storm, rain, plunging down with deafening thuds.

mary johnson was huddled up in her bed, the crisp wind blowing in making her shiver, the crash of thunder made her tremble and stiffened and tilted her to the other side of the bed, where her husband lay fast asleep, how could he sleep in this thunder storm, she wondered. the room was awfully dark, the power was out.

She couldnt sleep, something about the night wasnt just right... she heard something , there was a knock on the door.. it was like the middle of the night and someone was out there, under the storm, she thought, the first thing that came to mind were robbers, she cringed at the thought..,

the knock was continious and getting louder and louder,she was petrified, they were going to break down the door.. it continued, getting louder and louder, pounding her  skull, she couldnt take it anymore..

"Phil.." she cooed, tapping her husband gently.

"what is it.." he mumbled..

"danger..." she whispered.

"DANGER!" Phil lept out of bed, "where" he gasped, arms out ready to pounce. Looking around the room, he turned back to mary..

"cant you hear the knocking... the banging!, robbers are trying to get in.." mary muttered.

Phil sighed, this wasnt the first time mary had woken him up to check something out, and everytime he did, ...nothing.

"go back to sleep mary.." he said shuffling back into bed, "its all in your head"

"Phil, there is someone down there.. that person is still knocking... cant u hear it.."

"no i cant mary.. maybe you just have a headache... there are some aspirin on the kitchen table, the ones in the bathroom is finished.." he mumled tiriedly and dozed off.

"... maybe you're right, " she said to her self.

Mary felt uneasy, she had to go downstairs, she slowly stood and walked out the door, heading down the creaky steps.

she had mad it down and was now heading towards the kitchen when she heard another  knock, this wasnt her brain playing tricks on her..  she  could really hear it and it was coming from the door.., Robbers... she thoought quickly.. but wait, robbers dont knock..., who could that be, she had to know,..

The storm still flashed lightening and crashed thunder, as Mary Johnson aproached the door, she took out an umbrella, holding it above herself for protection.

". whos there," her voice wobbled.

no answer.." hello", mary walked closer and closer.. "is anybody th.." the door swung open with so much force that it pushed her away, the cold air blew in making mary shiver once more.. her eyes fluttered open, raising her head up from the ground. The door was wide open, she relunctantly stood, she knew she had to shut it. As she approched the door she noticed something on the porch, right in front of the door..,lightening flashed and she saw it was a basket. She got closer and closer, what"s this doing here, she wondered, now she was close enough to see what was in it... it was silohuetted in the dark night she squinted hard and ssaw two little arms... legs... it was a baby!

She gasped, the poor child has been out her alll through the night... who could have done this, she thought, the baby was unwrapped and she could tell it was a boy, she quickly took the tiny child and cradled him in her arms, trying her best to give him all the warmth she could.

"you must be freezing.." she cooed to the child, watching him cling to her, his skin was so pale.

"Jeez mary!" mary swirled around seeing phil standing there with a shot gun. He gave a sigh of relief... "whats going on down here.., why's the door open.." his voice trailed of as he noticed the bundle in her arms, "...what's that.."

Mary looked at the baby in her arms whose eyes were closed shut, then back at phil.

"its a baby.." she said softly..

"a what.."

"they left him out there on our porch phil, in the storm.. he's so little.." mary defended.

"he... five seconds and you know everything.."

"it wasnt hard.. they left him naked in a basket.." mary cried.

Phil exhaled, he dropped the shot gun and walked over to his wife.. "where did he come from...?" he said looking at the innocent babe in her arms.

Suddenly, the eyes open.. eyes as dark as the starless sky, phil gazed into them, it digging to his very soul..

"he is so adorable.." mary cooed as she looked at phil.

"Phil..." her husband didnt respond,.. she noticed the straight look on his face, his eyes looking directly at the baby's. "phil..." she draawled..

"should we keep him phil..." no answer..

At once, phils head darted up, he walked down to the kitchen.

"phil.. "mary followed closely behind.

Phil opened the drawers and took out a knife.

"phil... what are you doing.." mary asked with fear in her voice.

"...BLOOD.." Phil ed said loudly as the thunder crash, the knife glimmered in he's hand..

"what.??" mary questioned, not hearing him.

Phil struck..

Mary gasped..

"he needs blood...." phil said in a stiage whisper as he withdrew his knife from mary's chest...

she coughed .."phil.." she said breathlessly, she staggered back pinning to the wall,the baby still in her arms, lightening flashed and she saw the darkness in his eyes... she slid down ..." how could y...."

Blood oozed out of her chest, down to the child who's eyes were now closed tight.


a fresh new start, what do you think.. pls vote/comment :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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