Strange Encounter

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  It's so dark, I can't see anything and I begin to feel trapped. I can feel the panic rising in my chest and it makes it hard to breath properly. I want out, but mother won't let me out for another hour. I hate this room,it's creepy and I always feel watched.
     I walk forward with my hands out until I hit a wall and I slide down against it. I feel the cold,hard tile underneath me. I try and calm myself down but the feeling of being watched only makes me panic more. The darkness only aids to the feeling of vulnerability that begins to pick at me,and I can't help but be afraid. Pit. Pat. I hear foot steps...
I start to feel helpless and my heart skips a beat or two. I'm in here alone,no one else is here.
Pit. Pat.
      I freeze in place and hope it's just my imagination playing tricks on me. I don't just hope, I pray! My mind runs faster than my heart can beat and I'm panicking,but I can't bring myself to move. I squint my eyes to try and see in the dark but there's no one there. The feeling of being watched still burns into my skin. I can feel it. My chest begins to rapidly rise and fall and I try to keep myself from crying. I'm shaking and I still can't move.
Pit. Pat.
      It's louder now. It feels so close and the watched feeling,it feels like fire,it's so strong. I can feel their presence. And I know for sure that I'm not alone now.
Pit. Pat. Pit. Pat.
Their right in front of me now.
   I'm frozen,my heart stops,my breath silences,I can't even hear my own thoughts. I'm terrified as I hear shuffling. I can see a tall figure now. There's nothing I can make out,just tall and lean. He leans forward and his face is so close. He appears pitch black, no face,nothing but darkness.
   I hold my hand out and point, I don't want to but I can't suppress the urge. He does the same,we touch the tips of our finger and he starts to melt in mine! I pull my finger back but he's still melting into it. He's inside me now! An unbearable pain surge through my body and I can't breath. It feels like I'm dying. The pain feels cold and I feel like I'm drowning.
    Then it stops,every thing goes away. I look at my finger trembling. I don't feel different. I'm still alone,  I guess my mind was just tricking me again. Loneliness surges over me like a wave out of now where.
     "Mother. Please let me out." I wimpier. I'm all alone, unloved, unwanted, uncared for. I'm alone and always will be. I cover my right eye, it's why no one loves me, it's grey. My right eye is literally grey, no white, no blue, just grey! It's why I get picked on, it's why I'm alone.
Not anymore child.
I freeze, the adrenaline pushes it's way through my body and spreads like fire. Who was that? What was that? I feel heat on my face as tear start to fill my eyes. The darkness starts to surround me and watch my every move. But I'm more curious then afraid. I muster up as much courage as possible to respond.
"I don't u-understand." I reply shaking and afraid.
I'm here now child. You're not alone any more.
I don't think I just talk now.
"Why? Why would anyone want to stay with me?"
Because you're beautiful sweet child. That's why.
"Who are you?"
Let's just say... I'm your new guardian angel.
"What can I call you?"

I hope you like it! I wanted to try and make a creepier story. There's more to come for this story too. Thank you for reading! If you see any mistakes just let me know please.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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