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It already was a bad day

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It already was a bad day. Y/N had a rude awakening by her brother Chanyeol and was notified that today she would have extra protection. but he insisted she didn't need to know why.

After questioning the taller male she was forced to go to school by her brother's members, Jongdae and Baekhyun, telling her that Junmyeon was already in the car.

As soon as y/n got to school, Sehun was glued to her side, explaining that he arrived before her to check out the school- which was strange to Y/N but she ignored it, for now.

So, she continued with her daily routine- that is until she was pulled into the girl's bathroom.


"What the f-" I begin to say out of confusion as the guy shuts the bathroom door behind him, locking it. My eyebrows furrow as he turns around and my eyes shoot wide open as Jeon Jungkook turns to me.

"You know you can die if my brother's gang find me talking to you- right?" I ask the boy, trying to act like I'm not scared.

Jungkook chuckles, walking towards me, making me back up towards the sink.  "My boss wants to talk to you, y/n," Jungkook says, resting his hand on my arm.

This must be why Chanyeol and Jongin sent four of the boys out today...

"That's not happening," I tell Jungkook, trying to walk past him but he pins me to the wall.

I cower in fear as he holds my wrist tightly, wondering how I'll get out of this situation or if I'll be killed by BTS' youngest member.

"Please let me go" I whimper, letting the facade drop but this only makes Jungkook smile as he shakes his head.

"I can't do that sweetheart. See, when my boss wants something, he gets it. Your stupid brother and his boys can't save you from him" Jungkook says, moving closer.

Suddenly the door flies open, my hopes getting up, but only for my heart to drop when I see it's Park Jimin. One of BTS' newest recruits.

"We gotta go, man, they're coming," Jimin tells Jungkook hurriedly.

"Chill, Jimin, they won't get here before we get out of here" Jungkook mumbles, his eyes on me. Before I can register anything, Jungkook is pulling me by the hair, telling Jimin to tie me up.

Jimin looks at me, a sympathetic look on his face- so he's not completely broken in yet...

He pulls out some sort of cable before tieing my wrists together and then doing the same with my ankles, then putting duct tape on my mouth. Jungkook nods in approval before throwing me over his shoulder.

Jungkook goes through some of the halls, coming to the back door of the school with Jimin following. My mind races as I wish that Sehun or any of the boys would come to save me right now but those thoughts are interrupted by Jimin opening a van door, a voice asking if I'm alive and then Jungkook throwing me into the van, making me hit my head on something.

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